
Whole Food Supplementation

Nutritional therapy is the use of whole foods and whole foods concentrated to clinical potencies to help restore and maintain health. The body has a great ability to heal when given the chance to do so. Many times all the body needs to make healthy cells – to build its health – is the right ingredients, the right nutritional therapy! The body has to have whole nutrients to maintain healthy balance and functional health. Unless all of the required elements are available and able to be assimilated, body chemistry imbalance results and disease begins to set in. Symptoms are nature’s way of communicating what the body needs for health. Symptoms often occur in patterns. If you are having symptoms in recurring patterns, you may have an imbalance in your body chemistry and a disease process may be developing now.

Medications can alter bodily functions, but they do not build up the stores of whole nutrients necessary to maintain the body’s health. Medications usually only mask the symptoms, while the condition of bio-chemical imbalance continues and disease process works deeper into the body’s systems. A balanced body chemistry means that all of the bodily functions are also balanced. Healing will be rapid. Sleep will be deep and restful. Your digestion will be proper, elimination complete. A balanced body chemistry also assists in your hormone functions and helps keep you feeling young and fresh. Your appetite will be moderate and your consumption based on your needs, neither will you overeat nor under eat.

Weight Loss/Purification Program

weight Loss

Purification (also known as detoxification or cleansing) is the process of addressing the natural toxins in the body. The liver, digestive tract, kidneys, bladder, lymphatic system, lungs, and skin are the major systems/organs that are involved in the neutralization and elimination of toxins. Because we are exposed to high levels of foreign substances and over-consume chemically-treated, synthetically-produced food, extra purification is needed. The Standard Process purification program utilizes whole food supplements, pure food, and water to give the body the resources it needs so that it can purify and rebuild itself naturally.

As a society, we face increasing amounts of challenges in our environment. We encounter substances everyday from the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink, including: medications, pesticides, heavy metals, fumes, synthetic materials, cigarette smoke, caffeine, preservatives, and much more. In addition to these environmental challenges, our bodies produce waste byproducts (such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, and free radicals) as a result of normal metabolism that need to be eliminated. If these toxins are not neutralized and eliminated, the result is suboptimal health.

Here’s what others are saying:

Parasites and Weight

I was always tired and had headaches, swollen eyes, and itchy skin with rashes. Through Dr. Wu and Tammy, I discovered that I had parasites and in a matter of a few months of cleansing and changing my diet, I eliminated those parasites from my body. Who knew that I would also lose 45 lbs. in the process! Thanks for saving my life!

Gina R. – Covina, CA

“I am a 39 year old single mother of a pre-teen with the worse eating habits imaginable. I was overweight, not feeling well, and had the worst menstrual cycle a woman could have. My son and I would eat at McDonalds or a local fast food on an average of four times per week. I would cook (warm up something frozen) with the microwave about twice a week, and the rest of the week, just warm up leftovers or not eat at all.

When I first started coming to see Dr. Wu, I was sleepy all the time. I had real bad cramps from my menstrual cycle, and I wasn't having regular bowel movements. Dr. Wu then recommended a detox program to cleanse my body. I thought it was the worst idea ever suggested at first because I was a loyal junk food eater. I don’t like vegetables, and I thought I could NEVER give up breads and sugar. The detox though was surprisingly very easy to follow. I never felt like I was starving or missing out. I actually lost weight in the first week without even doing any kind of exercise whatsoever.

Now, it’s been eight months since I’ve done the detox, and I’ve lost over 45 pounds and about 6 inches off my waist. When I started , I was 226 pounds (same as when I was 9 months pregnant!) with a 45 inch waist (that’s roughly a size 18-20 in women). My weight now is at 181 pounds and I’m wearing a size 12. I have lots of energy to keep up with my son. I am no longer tired all the time, nor do I have real bad menstrual periods. I eat healthy. I include all different types of vegetables into my daily eating habits, and my skin is beautiful. So beautiful that when I went on vacation recently, I met someone and now we’re going to get married on 10/10/10. Life is good.

Thanks Dr. Wu. You are a true GEM!"

Valerie C. / Claremont, CA

“I have had eczema ever since I was born. Every night, I would wake up itching and scratching constantly. As I grew older, the eczema started to spread on my arms and face. I was embarrassed wearing short sleeve shirts because my arms would be flaky, dry, itchy, and red. My mom could not find anything to stop the itching. We tried Cortisone, Aloe Vera lotion, moisturizers, and a healthy diet, but nothing really worked. My mom even tried to teach me the power of "mind over matter" (like that really worked!). Nothing we tried relieved the itching, dryness, redness, or flaky patch on my arms and face.
All of that is over now. Thank you for recommending the whole food supplements from Standard Process. It has given me relief! After two weeks of taking my supplements, I didn't itch as much. My mom and I also noticed that my skin was looking better. By the second month, I stopped scratching! Today, I am no longer embarrassed to wear short sleeve shirts. The redness and dryness on my face is completely gone! My arms are no longer flaky, dry, itchy, or red. Finally, I can sleep peacefully without a scratch!”

Thank you, Dr. Wu! - Lauren C

"I was experiencing a lot of fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, digestion problems, leaky gut issues, and a candida yeast overgrowth from mercury poisoning. My overall health has improved dramatically. The fatigue has decreased in spite of my busy and hectic lifestyle. I have gained a greater sense of well-being, and I actually look younger!"

Jennifer T. – La Verne, CA

"When I came to Dr. Wu, I was low on energy, out-of-shape, had pain in my knees and ankles, and suffered serious headaches. After he began taking care of me, I’m now more fit. I have dropped a total of 25 lbs. (213 lbs. to 188 lbs.) and have reduced my waist size from 36 inches to 33 inches in 3 months! I have more energy; my knees and ankles are improving; and I have no more sinus headaches – and a much better understanding of my digestive system!"

Gor A. – Upland, CA