Back Pain

Back to Mind Offers Natural Back Pain Relief

Any painful problem can limit your ability to use this or that part of your body -- but when back strikes, you may feel totally unable to do anything. Pain affecting this central support structure can make it impossible to turn, walk, sit down, stand up, drive a car, or accomplish countless other everyday motions we all take for granted. But you shouldn't let fears about back surgery keep you from getting help -- because we offer non-surgical relief here at Back to Mind.

man suffering from back pain and seeking chiropractic care

Where and How Back Pain Strikes

It's helpful to understand the basic structure of the spine as a key to understanding back pain. The topmost portion of the spine, the cervical spine, is actually the neck. A dozen vertebrae extending from the shoulder blades down make up the thoracic or upper/middle back, followed by the lumbar vertebrae and the sacral vertebrae of the low back. These vertebrae are cushioned by cartilaginous discs, and they surround delicate spinal nerve tissue. When any part of this elaborate structure shifts out of balance, back pain is a common result. Your back pain may be due to:

  • Twisting injury or misalignment of the thoracic spine
  • Acute strain or herniated lumbar discs from heavy lifting or other excessive activity
  • Awkward ergonomics that force you to constantly bend and twist your back
  • Overuse injuries from playing your favorite sport
  • Bulging discs, which strain the vertebral joints as they "go flat" and lose height
  • Degenerative conditions such as spondylolisthesis or spinal stenosis
  • Poor posture due to under-developed back muscles, obesity, pregnancy, or a chronic spinal misalignment

Chiropractic Adjustment and Other Non-Invasive Answers

Most people would put off back surgery as long as possible despite their pain -- but conservative care can usually make such invasive procedures completely unnecessary. Our chiropractor, Dr. Gady Abramson, can make detailed evaluations of your spinal structure, medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle to determine the right personalized blend of holistic treatments for your condition. For example, chiropractic care, orthotic fittings, and spinal decompression can work together to normalize your spinal alignment and disc position. Ultrasound, hydrotherapy and hydromassage can ease muscle strain, relieve soft tissue inflammation, and promote healing of injuries. We can even offer nutritional guidance to help you lose any extra weight that makes you more prone to back pain.

Make an Appointment With Our Local Chiropractor Today

If you'd like to put that back pain in your rear-view mirror so you can move forward with your life, Back to Mind can help. Call our Hollywood FL clinic today at 954-200-7759 to schedule a consultation!


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