How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Migraines

woman holding her head from migraine pain

How Treatment from our Hollywood, FL Chiropractor Can Help Manage Migraines

Dealing with chronic headaches and migraine pain can be absolutely debilitating. Sufferers often find themselves living in fear of the next painful episode. Luckily, chiropractic care has been shown to help treat the underlying causes of head and migraine pain, as well as manage the symptoms and severity associated with them. If you’d like to try this holistic and safe treatment, schedule an appointment with Dr. Gady Abramson, at Back to Mind in Hollywood, Florida for chiropractic treatment for your migraines.

The Difference Between Headaches and Migraines

While headaches and migraines both cause terrible pain, migraines tend to be much more severe and last longer than a regular headache. Migraines also present themselves with neurological symptoms, known as aura. These symptoms can include visual disturbances like partially losing sight, seeing spots or flashing lights, confusion, tingling or numbness in the face and extremities, and nausea or vomiting.  

Common Causes and Triggers for Chronic Migraines

Headaches and migraines can be triggered by many factors, environmental, physical and psychological. Tension headaches can be caused by muscle strain, stress and anxiety, and even bad posture. Sinus headaches tend to result from an underlying infection.

Migraine triggers can vary for each person. Commonly, certain odors, dietary choices, hormonal fluctuations, flashing lights, fatigue or stress can result in a migraine headache. They occur when the blood vessels in the brain randomly constrict and then dilate, which causes throbbing, pounding pain.

Additionally, both headaches and migraines can be caused by misaligned vertebrae in the neck.

How Your Hollywood Chiropractor Can Manage and Treat Migraines

Chiropractic care can effectively treat and reduce your headache and migraine pain without the use of medication. During a visit with Dr. Abramson, of Back to Mind, he will manually manipulate and stretch your spine. Using spinal decompression, stress on the spine can be reduced and extra blood flow to the area promotes healing. He also advises his patients on lifestyle choices like nutrition and stress management.

Contact Our Chiropractor in Hollywood, FL for More Information Today

You don’t have to live with chronic migraine pain! For more information and to schedule your appointment, call our Hollywood, FL chiropractor at (954) 248-3435.

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