Chiropractic for Carpal Tunnel and Arthritis Pain Management

man at computer holding his wrist from carpal tunnel pain

Treatment for Arthritis and Carpal Tunnel from our Hollywood, FL Chiropractor

Carpal tunnel and arthritis are both conditions that cause chronic pain. While carpal tunnel is experienced primarily in the hands and arm, arthritis pain can affect many joints in the body. Both are common conditions that we treat here at Back To Mind, your choice chiropractic clinic in Hollywood, FL. Learn more about carpal tunnel and arthritis and how a chiropractor can help.

What is Carpal Tunnel?

People who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome experience intense pain and tingling in the hands, caused by pinched nerves in the wrist. While there are various causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, including pregnancy, repetitive use of the hands and wrist, obesity, and more, there are also various treatment options. 

What Is Arthritis?

When a person has inflammation in one or more joints, this is known as arthritis. Because arthritis can lead to immense pain, having this condition will often limit a person's joint function. Fortunately, with accurate diagnosing and early detection, arthritis is typically a disorder that can be managed. However, in some cases, the damage caused by the disorder can be irreversible and cause permanent damage. 

What Are the Different Types of Arthritis?

There are more than 100 types of arthritis, with each type requiring different treatments. This is why it is so important to visit a doctor who can assess you for the exact type of arthritis that you have. Three of the more common types of arthritis include:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis

Can Carpal Tunnel and Arthritis be Prevented?

There are a variety of preventative measures you can take to help prevent the development of arthritis and carpal tunnel. For some people, these preventative measures will be fully effective. For others, however, the development of these disorders will still occur. Proper nutrition and exercising are both excellent preventative measures to follow to help reduce your risk of developing carpal tunnel and arthritis. For carpal tunnel, we suggest reducing the stress and strain on hands and give yourself breaks and stretches between repetitive movements.

Can a Chiropractor Help Relieve Pain and Help Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Arthritis?

Arthritis and carpal tunnel affects the muscles, joints, and nerves. Because of this, a chiropractor can be of the utmost help in reducing pain caused by these disorders. 

Make an Appointment Today with our Chiropractor in Hollywood, FL

If you would like to learn more about chiropractic care for carpal tunnel and arthritis pain management, please contact Back To Mind today. Call us at (954) 200-7759.


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