5 Conditions Your Chiropractor Can Treat That You Wouldn't Think Of

5 Conditions Your Chiropractor Can Treat That You Wouldn't Think Of

Chiropractors correct spinal alignment abnormalities as a way of treating a wide range of health problems. Chiropractic care looks at the whole musculoskeletal system and treats the root of the problem. Although spinal alignment, pain relief and other muscular and skeletal disorders are among the most common conditions people seek chiropractic care, research has found that chiropractic treatments can help with a wide range of conditions, many of which may surprise you.

Chiropractic Care

Here are just 5 conditions that your chiropractor can treat that you may not have known about.

  • Bell’s Palsy-a condition that causes facial paralysis, problems with the jaw and associated muscles and hearing disorders. A chiropractor creates patient-centric treatment program that is designed to improve relieve pain, improve motion and address other nerve related issues.
  • Hearing loss-Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach and is beneficial in the treatment of hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo.
  • High blood pressure-The spinal manipulation used by chiropractors has been shown to be successful as a treatment for high blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Chronic sinusitis-this condition develops when the sinus and nasal passages cannot drain properly due to either physical or nerve related causes. Many patients have found relief of their symptoms with a spinal adjustment.
  • ADHD-the standard approach to treating ADHD uses psychotropic medications, which often have serious side effects. Studies have shown that spinal manipulation along with nutritional supplementation was successful in improving impulsivity, hyperactivity inattentiveness and social, behavioral and emotional difficulties.

The primary goal of chiropractic care is the restoration of your health over the long term, instead of relieving your symptoms for the short term. During your initial consultation, your chiropractor will ask you a lot of unexpected questions, such as how you sleep at night, how you stand, sit and walk; all of which can be contributing to your current aches and pains.

Contact Our Local Chiropractor to Alleviate Your Pain Today

To learn more information about how chiropractor care may be beneficial for what’s ailing you, contact Back To Mind.

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