CoVid-19 Vaccine Data 3-1-21

CoVid-19 "Vaccine" Data from the CDC and VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) run by the government.

5% of people getting the "vaccine" ... DIE!
2% of people getting the "vaccine" ... get a PERMANENT DISABILITY!
Of those that die, 20% were HEART related reactions from the "vaccine."
47% of those that die from the "vaccine" got sick within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
31% of deaths occurred within 48 hours.
3.5% of non-death vaccinated developed Life Threatening conditions.
The average age of those that died was 77.8 with the youngest being 23.
180 pregnant women were reported having adverse conditions with 56 being miscarriage or premature.

None of the "vaccines" have been tested on or cleared for pregnant women.
None of the "vaccines" have been tested on animals.
None of the "vaccines" have been tested on humans for long term effects.
None of the "vaccines" have been officially authorized for use.  Only "emergency authorization."

"Vaccine" is in quotes because both legally and medically they do Not qualify as a vaccine!
Vaccines by definition have to have some piece of foreign protein from the virus.
These "vaccines" have No foreign protein, only mRNA.
The mRNA alters the transcription of DNA to your new cells so they grow spike proteins like the virus.
The theory is that your body will grow antibodies to those spike proteins and be able to fight off the virus.
However, the antibodies will also attack your normal cells that eventually do grow the spike proteins.
When enough of those grow on enough cells in various locations and your immune system is attacking them...
That's called an "Auto-Immune Disease!"  (It will take a few years to fully develop and cause problems.)

What does that mean if you have an adverse reaction or die from the "vaccine?" (even years from now)
It means YOU HAVE NO RECOURSE against anyone, even the government!!
Due to the "pandemic declaration" a year ago and the vaccine "emergency authorizations" there is NO LIABILITY by any drug co. or the government.

Keep in mind that the risk of death from actually getting the disease is only 0.02%.

Therefore, getting the disease has a 99.98% less chance of death...
While getting the "vaccine" you have a 4.98% GREATER chance of dying!

YOUR CHOICE!  Choose Wisely.

There are natural measures you can take to even further reduce your chance of getting the disease or of having any significant complications if you do.  
Talk to Dr. Travis about what will work best for you.

PS:  By definition, all viruses are already DEAD... you can Not kill them, disinfect them etc. They only work when a live bacteria etc. takes them in to use some of the material in the virus to do something. (Like using baking soda to make a cake.)  Your body's immune system works with most of these to keep you alive and functioning. Some of them it reacts to and your body creates all the symptoms you have that we call disease and give names to. If your immune system can handle it properly, you have no symptoms.  But when it isn't working properly, your immune system causes things to happen we don't like, symptoms, and sometimes it over-reacts so the symptoms are life threatening.  The key is to keep your system working properly!


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    J. B. - Bastrop, TX