Smoothie Examples

Here are some of our all time favorites! Add superfood enhancements like maca root, spirullina, turmeric, etc for the certain attributes you desire.

Most of these are more than one serving, so you'll have to adapt for serving sizes.  For all of them add or decrease ice as needed for the right consistency.

The Yummy Way to Detox

1/2 c frozen berries

1/2 c frozen cranberries

1/4 c lemon (with rind for estrogen detox)

1T almond butter

1T raw pumpkin seeds

1T chia seeds

2 walnuts

1/4 avocado

1/2 T coconut oil or coconut cream

1/2 c unsweetened almond or coconut milk

1/2 c water

Breakfast BOOM

1/2 banana

1 scoop raw plant or whey protein

1/2 T freshly ground flax seed

1/4 c frozen berries

1/2 T honey or a couple drops of stevia if looking to lose weight

8 oz water or coconut water

1t psyllium husk


Healthy Chocolate Desert Smoothie

1/2 c plus 2 T cacao (raw cacao powder is best but cocoa powder will work)

1 scoop raw plant or whey protein powder

4-7 drops vanilla stevia

1/2 c ice

1/4-1/2 avocado

top with raw cacao nibs


Green Monster Alkalizer (I think this one is 4 servings)

2 c spinach

1/2 cuke

1/4 head celery

1/2 bunch parsley

1 bunch of mint

3 carrots

2 green apples

1/4 orange

1/4 lime

1/4 lemon

1/4 pineapple


Light Super Energy NOW

2 pints pineapple

2 pints watermelon

2 quarts coconut water

add spinach, blueberries, 2 green apples, and gogi berries


Energy Booster

2 T cacao powder

2 T almond butter

1 banana

8 oz greek yogurt



1/2 c coconut water

top with nibs


Peach Hemp Smoothie

1c coconut milk

1-2 T hemp seed

1 c frozen peaches

2-4 dates

Juice of 1/2 a lemon

Dash of cinnamon to mix in and some to sprinkle the top


Bloat Buster

1 c greek yogurt

1/2 banana

2 dates

1/4 c unsweetened almond milk


Fit Body Meal Replacement

2 T protein powder

2 T flax seed ground

1/2 c frozen berries

1/2 banana

1 c unsweetened coconut or almond milk


Digestive Relax

1c water

2 lemons

1/2 cuke

6 cubes watermelon

handful of ginger shavings

a serving of Calm optional


Swimsuit Slim

1 scoop protein

1 c water

1 granny smith apple

1 orange

1 banana

2 handfuls spinach

1 medium carrot


Banana Latte

1 scoop protein

1 c coconut or almond milk

3/4 c coffee or decaf (or 2 t ground beans)

2 bananas

1 c ice


Liquid Lunch

1 c water or coconut water

1 scoop whey

1/2 banana

1/2 c frozen berries

1 t cacao powder

1 t white kidney bean extract






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