Your Year To Shine

The holidays are nearing an end. You've indulged yourself more than you're used to, and there's a new buzz in the air to get back on track and into shape. We contemplate this every year, right? So my question to you is…how is 2015 going to be YOUR YEAR? How do you plan on making it different this time? How do you plan to actually reach your fitness, health, relationship, and financial goals? I'd like to make a suggestion.  This year, make a decision to put yourself first! That's right, numero uno. I know you may be thinking, "How selfish!", but in actuality it is quite the opposite. When you make time for yourself and put yourself on the TOP of your list, everything and everyone else on your list will be handled so much more efficiently and effectively! And when you look and feel great, you have more love and compassion to give out to others. Putting yourself LAST on your list is certainly grounds for stress, frustration, limitation, and zero fun. I would like to encourage you to spend a part of everyday doing exactly what you need to do to accomplish your goals this year. And sometimes, that just means time to CHILL OUT.

Here are my favorite chill out selfie time essentials:

Start with a bit of stress reduction (remember accumulated stress results in poor health!). Decreasing stress, even just by a tiny bit, adds LIFE back to your life. I like to start with self massage. While I'm massaging I allow any thoughts in my mind to float away like clouds. You can always go back to your thoughts later, but right now is a great time to clear the mind and start fresh.

3 quick, easy, but effective self massage techniques:

1. Place your thumbs behind your ears while spreading your fingers on top of your head. Move your scalp back and forth by making small circles with your fingertips for 15 to 20 seconds. Ohhhh yeah.

2. Reach one arm across the front of your body to the opposite shoulder. Press firmly on the muscle above your shoulder blade, using a circular motion. Repeat on the other side. (You didn't realize those traps were so tight did you?!)

3. Sitting in a comfortable place, rest one foot on the opposite leg. Place one hand on top of the other, and stroke your foot from your toes to your ankles, then glide hands back to your toes. Hold your foot with both hands, one on either side. Using both thumbs, firmly press down the center of the sole of the foot while making slight, gentle circles on the arch and ball of the foot. Ahhhhhhhhh.

Now that the mind is more clear and the body is more relaxed, take a fresh look at your goals. Decide on 3 action steps (no more and no less)  that can be done THAT DAY to progress toward your desired result. Jot those down on a sticky note or in your smart phone.

The magic is that by just doing these steps each day (it might only take you 5 minutes!), you will instantly skyrocket your existence on planet earth. You will be 95 times more likely to obtain your goals AND because your stress level will decrease, your immune system will increase. You will love being yourself, people will love being around you, and the lovely 'snowball effect' for an amazing life will ensue. Now remember, the only person who can do this is you. Are you ready? Make this YOUR YEAR!

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