Scarred for Life…and I Need Your Help

One of the areas of research that is currently little known to most of the U.S. medical profession is the devastating effects of surgical and other scars on the functioning of the human body.

According to the latest German research papers, a list of some of the complaints that have been shown to be created or contributed to by scars includes:

headaches, migraines, allergies, confusion, vertigo, Hay Fever, Optic Neuritis, Asthma, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, Tonsillitis, liver disease, menstrual pain, Sinusitis, Chronic Infections, Back Pain, Menstrual Irregularity, Gallbladder Disease, Eczema, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Arthritis, Emphysema, Arteriosclerosis, circulatory disorders, Bladder dysfunction, prostate disorders, kidney disease, Gallbladder disease, heart disease, skin diseases, ulcers, Colitis, menstrual cramps, hemorrhoids, Depression, dizziness, Ear problems, glaucoma, inflammatory eye disease, Hormonal imbalances, thyroid disease…and many other chronic degenerative conditions.

How can this possibly be? How could a scar cause the plethora of complaints listed above and more?

Well, to understand it you have to understand a little about the nervous system in the body.  I will keep it as simple as I can.


Most people have heard of the Central Nervous System and know that it exists mainly in the brain and spinal cord.  We also have a Peripheral Nervous System which extends out to all of your organs, muscles, and glands.  It is how your body knows what to do when.  Breathing, digestion, moving your hand away from a hot surface instantly; these are all included in the job of your nervous system.

When you have a scar, it acts as an interference field to this amazingly intricate system.  The electrical, nerve, and lymphatic flow is completely disrupted.  This disruption will then impede the normal, healthy electromagnetic flow of the body’s acupuncture meridian system, thus creating symptoms that are difficult to trace back to their original root causes by conventional methods.

Interference fields can be found almost anywhere in the body and are often far from the part of the body experiencing symptoms. For example, an old appendix scar might cause migraine headaches or a wisdom tooth extraction scar might cause chronic low back pain. Thus you can understand the difficulty in determining the root cause of so many health concerns.


In one case we explain a girl who was born with heart problems and almost immediately had heart surgery which left her with a scar down the center of her chest. As she grew up she developed a collection of debilitating symptoms and eventually at age 16 was in very poor shape. Doctors had no idea what was wrong with her. She was eventually taken to a nutritionist who was trained in how to handle interference fields and after 2 months of treatment the scar actually turned black and fell off (note: this doesn't happen every time). A short while later she fully recovered from her symptoms and today lives a healthy, much happier life.

In another case, we have a colleague of mine who also had a host of “unexplainable” symptoms and her husband pretty much had to “jump-start” her with supplements every morning just to enable her to get through the day. Once she discovered the research on scars and interference fields, she realized that her problems had started 27 years previously after giving birth to her child and receiving an episiotomy (and thus a new surgical scar).  After treating the scar, she literally came back to life, lost her symptoms and in months was completely unrecognizable as the person she had been!  She literally looked 20 years younger.  The number of episiotomy and C-section scars that we see clinically effecting the health of women today would astound you.

One other interesting case I wanted to share with you was a young lady who was extremely active, athletic, and fit.  She was on a collegiate track scholarship and had all the energy she could ever want.  After a national qualifying year in track, she joined the military.  Very shortly after joining, she noticed her energy was dwindling, and FAST.  She could barely keep up.  She felt like taking a nap all day long.  Her focus, drive, clarity, and zest for life were all GONE.  She wracked her brain to figure out what she could be doing wrong.  She ate well, she exercised with what little energy she had left, and she was certainly getting enough sleep!  She decided to have a nutritional evaluation done.  Her practitioner found she had a scar that was causing a disruption in her nervous system and a decrease in her immune system function.  She repeatedly explained that she had never had surgery and was totally unaware of any scar on her body.  The practitioner asked if she had any piercings.  "A piercing?  Is that a scar?  Well, I did have my belly button pierced, would that count?"  "Absolutely that counts," he said.  "I need you to remove the piercing and start scar therapy on the scar if you want me to work with you".  Reluctantly, she decided she had better listen since nothing else was working.  Within 3 days this young lady had her energy back.  She was herself again!  Her body was working like it always did before!  And to think that tiny little hole in her body was effecting her that much.  I have to tell you that the girl in this story was ME!  And to this day I have made it one of my missions to teach people how this works and how to handle their own scars.  Because of this mission, we are now conducting a Clinical Research Project on the very subject and I am sincerely asking for your help.  I am calling any and all people who have a scar that may be effecting their physical body to be a part of this research project.  You will need to qualify as a candidate before you are accepted.  Depending on your type of scar, the type of therapy/diagnostic tools used, and how many scars you have, scar therapy can cost you up to $4200 or more.  If you qualify for our research study, you will receive it all for absolutely no cost.  You have literally nothing to lose but YOUR HEALTH to GAIN!  If that's not enough, with the results of the study, you may even be able to help others who are suffering from the damaging effects of scars that have no idea why they're suffering.  An amazing way to offer your personal support to the healthcare in our country.

Handling scars is not always an end-all in itself but it is one of the major barriers that can get in the way of correct nutrition being able to restore your body’s innate ability to fully heal itself.

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