Defy Your DNA

If you've been paying attention to the field of genetics, you know now that scientists have realized that what is built inside your genes is not necessarily the outcome you are destined to deal with in life. We have been taught in the past that whatever disease based genes we inherited, we will almost certainly have to endure. The GREAT news is that we now have proof that this is not true! Of course your genetics play a role in your overall life outcome, but the science of Epigenetics now shows us that our genes have the ability to be turned on (and be expressed) or turned off (and not be expressed). If you are someone that was told you would have to deal with breast cancer for example since your mom had it and your grandma had it, and you have the 'brca 1 or 2' gene, this absolutely does not mean you need to go have a double mastectomy! (There are people actually taking this route, it saddens me). The science of Epigenetics rings true for any and all genetically related diseases. The next question inevitably floating up in everyone's mind is: "Then how on earth do I keep the bad genes that I have inherited, turned off?". And the second question is: "If my bad gene is already turned on, is it possible to turn it back off again?". To answer these questions, we need to understand what it is that turns these genes on. It all comes down to the environment the genes are living in. The environment provides the enzymes that unlock the little receptor site on the gene to turn ON and or OFF in it's presence and/or absence. The 3 main environmental factors are toxins, missing nutrients, and stress. With the #1 being stress. So let's take a look at defying our DNA with a little acronym to make it nice and easy to remember! D-Detoxification. I have written about this extensively before so I will hit only the main points here. Begin and end each day with at least 8 oz of warm (organic) lemon water. And for goodness sake, not tap water! It must be filtered very well or better yet, spring water (from a spring, not a plastic bottle). This is just one easy but quite amazing way to keep the kidneys and liver working for you instead of against you. If you're worried about drinking this before bed because you'll need to get up to use the bathroom, TRY IT ANYWAY. You will find that you actually sleep BETTER due to its affect on regulating cortisol. Work with your natural health practitioner to continue a proper detoxification protocol. Please do not expect a healthy detox from a box you purchased over the counter. N-Nutrification. If your cells do not have the nutrients they need, those bad genes are going to be turned on. Again I have written about this extensively, so check out the archives for more info, but the main points are to eliminate from your diet anything that is a nutrient stealer, and then add back good quality nutrients. The biggest stealers of your precious nutrients are SUGAR, GLUTEN, and DAIRY. I challenge you to give up all gluten for a single week. At that point, your brain will be much clearer and your decisions will be much more pro-survival! So then it's easy to get rid of the sugar and dairy and start implementing super-foods and super-herbs for maximum nutrient saturation. Again, work with your practitioner for what is best for you as an individual. A-Adaptation. We all have stress. Our ability to adapt to this stress is what will allow these bad genes to turn on or off. If you're a good adapter, your genes will behave. If you're not so good at adapting to stress (whether chemical, physical, or emotional), your genes will rebel. In our clinic we use a computerized heart rate variability test to determine exactly how adaptable your body is to stress. I am then able to tailor ways to dramatically reduce your stress and chart your progress over time. If you don't know your adaptability level, this is truly a test you want to have right away. It will help you determine how much stress your organs are under, and can even determine your biological age. (If you'd like to have this test done, mention this article for a discount when calling our clinic 715-362-2300). The point here is that we are all dealing with stress, it is imperative that you have great techniques in place to increase the way your body adapts to and/or releases this stress. And remember, your neighbor's technique is not necessarily right for YOU. Find what works for YOU and your own lifestyle.

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