Emotional Constipation

The more information I scour, the more I understand that the real being inside of us, (let's call it our soul for lack of a better way to define it) is begging to be realized. The more we are able to pay attention to that innate knowingness and beingness, and thus allow ourselves to be who we came here to be, the much greater our happiness, clarity, appreciation, and love is. And when you truly feel that, those around you can feel it too. Everything is energy, and because of this scientifically proven fact, we are all connected on that energetic level. Understanding this, think back to an encounter you may have had with a co-worker, a parent, a child, a friend. When you think of it, whether a good or a bad connection was made, you can see how your physical body goes right back into the feeling of it. Because of this, you can also understand that energy has no time or space. Let's say the encounter was a less than desirable one. When you merely think about it, you can feel your muscles start to tense, your mind start to race, and your emotions start to flair. Okay, stop. Now think about a great encounter with a good friend or soulmate. Let that great energy fill your spirit. Do you see how light and joyful you feel? What tends to happen over time is we get stuck in the negative feelings instead of making the positive feelings grow. Because of the many negative energies we are allowing into our being, our souls are beginning to be buried deep in this huge pile of junk. Overtime, we forget who we are and what our life purpose is. The issue is that most of us don't even realize what has happened. It's not like we tried to squash our soul and reason for living. But remember, like attracts like which means that as soon as we come in contact with some negative energy, we start to attract more. Pretty soon we even find ourselves spreading it. Studies show that there is a natural endorphin release (high) for many people who become used to spreading negativity. Whether it is in the form of media, gossip, a book or movie, or even the negative energy from food that is devoid of nutrients, it becomes harder and harder for us to let go of it and easier and easier to keep attracting more. And this is a true case of emotional and/or spiritual constipation. If you have ever been physically constipated, you know it's not a good thing. Because your soul is the REAL you, and it has become a needle in the preverbal haystack of negativity, you are unable to feel continual joy and peace. I'm here to tell you that you were meant to have that overall feeling of joy and peace all of the time. It may seem like a stretch if you've been 'constipated' for a long time and it does take practice, but there is hope! Don't let it go a single day longer. Decide to take a step and make the change, all it takes is that one little decision. Just say to yourself, "I'm done with this now, I am making a change today". That's it. The rest will fall right into place for you. When you are 'constipated', it takes a bit to get that first (and really old) junk out of the way. You just have to keep chipping away at it. Once you're through the cement, the rest just starts to flow and keeps flowing with almost zero effort (excuse the graphical analogy!). So here are the most basic steps to a free-flowing life of ease, joy, and glory.

Step 1: Change your energy beacon from negative to positive! a) Clear out any and all 'products' that you once called food. You need to put positive fuel in your physical body. Eat and drink anything directly from nature without chemicals or pesticides. b) Turn off the news (I apologize to you newsies out there but if you haven't noticed, its almost all negative). c) Stop the gossip. If you start to build people up, you will be lifted up yourself. When you cut others down, down you go with 'em. d) Clear the clutter. All clutter whether hidden in a storage closet or all over your dining room table causes positive energy to stop. Just get rid of it. This also includes those heavy grudges you are holding onto. Find a way to forgive, not for them, for YOU.

Step 2: Infuse the positive! a) Set aside time for prayer (your time to speak to God, Source, The Divine, whatever you choose to call this source from whence we all originated) and meditation (God's time to speak to you). Even if it is 5 minutes of each, you will notice immediately the difference in each day. b) Surround yourself with positive friends and family. If they start to get negative, kindly excuse yourself. c) Find your passion. Even if what you are doing right now is not what you actually desire to do, take one step each day in the direction of your dreams. One day you'll wake up and realize you did it! d) Exude gratitude. Wake up thankful for what you have and go to bed the same way.

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