Energy Medicine, A New Frontier?

We have all heard about Einstein and his revolutionary equation E=MC2. Initially when this was discovered, the connection to total health and healing was overlooked. However, thousands of years before this infamous equation came about, Ayurvedic medicine was utilizing a complex treatment system based on vibrational frequencies of energy, the Chinese were treating and healing people through acupuncture and meridians (also energy frequencies). And now, quantum physics has revealed to us that at the particle level, all matter is ENERGY. Let's break that down in simpler terms…ALL MATTER, that means EVERYTHING we now see as solid, is actually NOT SOLID. This is Energy Medicine, and it is the core of what Dr. Oz has boldly stated to the world as the next big frontier in health. This energetic or vibrational medicine encompasses the therapeutic use of both measurable energies, such as light and magnetism, and biofields such as energy centers (chakras), and energy pathways (meridians); which all work together with our biochemical and physiological machinery to create a living organism. We are certainly more than just a pile of DNA and cellular makeup. There's much more to us human beings than that! Energy Medicine is now cracking the code on our vibrational frequencies which is giving us an incredible insight on overall health and wellbeing. FINALLY!

New technology and research is showing ways to actually balance your body’s vibrational frequencies which in turn allows you to achieve optimal physical health, and mind/body connectedness. This revealing new research shows us that disorganized energy waves can damage and even KILL human cells and that the TYPE of energy surging through our cells has a direct effect on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Why should we even care? Top institutions of medical science have proven that disease always starts off as a disorganized energy pattern long before it shows up as a physical symptom. And the most recent research is showing that an alarming 95% of ALL health problems are a result of this disorganized energy. And it doesn’t stop at health. Any happiness issues as well as success issues may also be determined by proper cellular energy.

I know it seems like a lot to comprehend or believe all at once. You may even be asking yourself why you haven’t heard much about these amazing health and wellness breakthroughs. Although traditional medicine uses energy every day in their practices (MRIs, CT scans, and the like), it has only been the last few years that medical science has finally started utilizing the unlimited potential of ENERGY to enhance life at every level.

As Medical Doctor Richard Gerber states, “No more need to cut, burn and poison – the potential of energy to heal is limitless. The ultimate approach to healing is to remove the abnormalities at the energy level which led to the manifestation of illness in the first place. Using frequencies to heal malfunctioning organs creates the ultimate preventive medicine which will correct destructive energy imbalances before overt illnesses ever develop.”

Another issue is this: In a study done by Harvard University in 2010, about 50% of all thoughts and emotions are NEGATIVE. So even if you think you are a positive person, you may be introducing and internalizing these disorganized energies without even knowing it. This not only damages your cellular makeup, but can cause your immune system to mis-fire or even shut down. With a faulty immune system, you are susceptible to physical disease, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, anger, fatigue, depression...actually ANY physical, mental, or emotional problem. If you’ve noticed that it has been difficult to reach your goals, to stay healthy, to exude happiness, to enjoy your family, etc., you can be sure at least part of your issue (if not all of it) stems from this highly disorganized cellular energy. I can truly say that I have been on a quest to find a way to help people completely optimize their health and wellbeing for as long as I can remember. I have been studying Energy Medicine for the past 20 years. With all of the new research on these specifics, I can now say with complete confidence that this is the medicine of the future. Health no longer needs to be a question of what physical issue you have. Enjoying a completely balanced life chemically, environmentally, physically, mentally, and emotionally is available to anyone who is ready to claim it. This makes me so excited! If you're ready to find out more, I would love to personally help you DEFY YOUR DNA with Energy Medicine! You can reach me for a consult at (715) 362-2300.

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