Fukushima…are we in the clear?

Although we haven't been hearing about the largest man made disaster to date on our planet lately, the effects of this devastation are now reaching far beyond China and will continue to plague people on earth for centuries. So to answer the question, no we are no where near 'the clear'. What I find interesting when studying this phenomenon and its ongoing effects is that there are no medical treatments (that I can find) to help to protect ourselves and our families. The only preventative measures out there are time tested nutritional methods. God actually gave us all of the exact 'medicines' we needed! Who knew?! Remember Hippocrates' statement; "Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food." I don't want to be an alarmist, but I do absolutely want you to have the information you need to live a life of health, vitality, and longevity. No matter where you live, your family is certainly at risk for the radiological fall out factors from this disaster. What has been documented from the similar issue with Chernobyl was that toxic impostors will enter the system if there is not enough of the good stuff in your body to ward it off. The biggest radiological isotope causing problems here is Iodine. Thyroid disease is the #1 side effect of Radioactive Iodine. This includes hypo and hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, and any other thyroid dysfunction. Your thyroid is your metabolic thermostat. If its off, everything is off. So if there is Radioactive Iodine in the atmosphere, and your body is lacking good iodine, the radioactive stuff has an easy doorway into your body. Let's look at a couple other isotopes currently floating around out there.

Strontium-competes for Calcium and Magnesium in the body (so if you're lacking Ca and Mg, the Strontium will enter). Cesium-competes for Potassium (you got it, if you're lacking Potassium, Cesium enters).

Xenon 133, Deuterium, and Tritium may be part of the fall out but these are also commonly found in municipal water supplies, and leach from landfills. So what can be done to ensure we are safe from radiological contamination? It is always best to eat the foods rich in the specifically needed natural substances. Taking supplements has its place but in my opinion is best done under the care of a natural health provider. The foods to eat that have plenty of good iodine are kelp and dulse (or any other sea vegetable), and Himalayan Sea Salt. To put things in perspective, you would have to consume 2 kilos per DAY of the regular white iodized salt to get the levels you need (and that would obviously be detrimental to your health!), but only about a tbsp in water of the Himalayan. If you opted to add some sea vegetables, you wouldn't need as much sea salt (about 1-2 tbsp of powdered kelp/day). You could also go with a natural iodine supplement, but you would need to be extremely careful here to get the right kind which is why if you do not have a natural health care provider, you should just eat the foods. Diatomaceous Earth is also a very natural substance and I consider it in the food category. It will help you to detoxify these isotopes once they are in you. Ginseng, Chaga and/or Reishi Mushrooms, Chlorella, Coconut Oil or Butter, Astragalus or Ashwaganda (both herbal plants), Aloe, Asparagus Root, and Brazil Nuts (soaked over night first) are all foods that should be have a place in your daily diet.

I have 3 cliche statements for you that I want you to actually think about and reconsider:

1. Put your money where your mouth is. Yes, it may cost a little extra to consume these things and it may even take a bit of time, but…(and here's where #2 comes in)...

2. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! So get over it! I don't know about you but I'd rather put up the funds now to be sure my family and I don't have to go through an emotionally, physically, and financially draining health episode in the future. If you don't do these things now, you will most certainly regret it later. Give up a channel or two with your cable network.

3. Hindsight is 20/20. But the great news is, I just gave you some foresight. It's now up to YOU to take action. If you'd like an AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS recipe for kelp chips (one of the easiest and most fun ways to get your daily dose of kelp), go to my website: www.EducatingWellness.com and search kelp chips! Oooh, you're going to LOVE them!

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