The Healthiest Birthday Party Ever

People always ask me what I do for my kids on their birthdays as far as 'treats' are concerned. As I was planning for my youngest child's 4th birthday party, I thought I would give you all a few recipes to work from to make your next birthday party extra healthy! And the best part: no one will ever know the difference!

Of course the biggest deal is the CAKE. I have to thank one of my good friends (thanks Nat!) for helping me perfect this recipe. Not only does it taste awesome, but it doubles as a main dish due to the truck load of protein!

Coconut Flour Chocolate Cake with Xylitol Preparation Time: 15 Minutes Cooking Time: 35 Minutes Ingredients: 1/2 - cup coconut oil 1/4 - cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 - cup coconut milk 9 - organic free range eggs 1 1/2 - cups xylitol (non-GMO Birch tree derived) 3/4 - teaspoon Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt 1 - teaspoon vanilla 3/4 - cup sifted coconut flour 3/4 - teaspoon baking powder (aluminum free) Directions: Melt oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add cocoa powder and coconut milk and mix together. Remove from heat and set aside. In a bowl, mix together eggs, xylitol, sea salt, and vanilla. Stir in cocoa mixture. Combine coconut flour with baking powder and whisk into batter until there are no lumps. Pour batter into greased 8x8x2 or 9x9x2-inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until knife inserted into center comes out clean. Let cool.

If you want frosting, it takes a bit more creativity. I'll tell you the way I do it, and you can make it your own. I use about a 1/2 cup coconut milk and 1/2 cup coconut oil. I whip together in my nutri-bullet with some Kiwi Strawberry Dynamic Greens (a stevia sweetened greens powder we carry at our clinic). Let sit in fridge to harden and then put on cooled cake. This cake and frosting recipe has been a HUGE success with everyone from kids to adults. They just can't believe it could actually be good for them!

For drinks I'll give you a few options (all have been great hits at our house): 1. A 'punch bowl' of Kombucha (fermented tea) and sparkling water and add blue berries, strawberries, and/or raspberries. 2. Stevia sweetened Root Beer and Raw Coconut Ice Cream for root beer floats. 3. Sparkling water mixed with your favorite tea (ours would be Chaga, Gynastemma, or Schizandra) with fresh picked mint leaves, cucumber, orange slices, and/or whatever you have available in the fridge. Add a bit of liquid vanilla stevia to taste.

So remember, healthy truly can be FUN and DELICIOUS! Enjoy your next birthday party without any guilt!

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