Nuke or Not

In an era now inundated with technology, we are simmering in a soup of Electromagnetic Waves (EMWs). An Electromagnetic Frequency Wave is defined as radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge. Because our bodies are made up of positive and negative electric charges changing constantly, basic common sense tells us that being bombarded with these "waves" could potentially be a problem, not to mention any effects of the radiation part of it. The trouble is we sadly do not know exactly in what way we are affected. Truth be told, there are several preliminary studies on the effects of EMWs, but Wi-Fi, cell phones, microwaves, and the like really haven't been around long enough for us to know or understand their detriment. Or is that just an excuse? Maybe we don't really want to know what problems these EMWs are causing.

Microwaves, cellular telephones, and Wi-Fi have become not only “the norm” but many of us depend on these things for daily living. In some preliminary studies, cellular phone use has been shown to cause difficulty in concentration, fatigue, headaches, slow reaction time, sleep disturbance, and increase in blood pressure just to name a few (Oftedal et al., 2000, Preece et al., 1999, Huber et al., 2000, Braune et al., 1998). I have personally been doing much research in the field of fertility as so many American couples are having a hard time conceiving now. One study done by Agarwal et al., 2007 showed that the use of cellular phones adversely affected the quality of seamen by decreasing the sperm counts, motility, viability, and morphology, which they say might contribute to male infertility. Ya think? If you hardly have any sperm, and the ones you do have can't move, are half dead, and shaped funny, is it really going to be able to make it to the egg? Remember, out of close to 500 million sperm, only the one single BEST of the BEST will make it to the egg. But, let's give that poor, lonely, slow, crippled little sperm the benefit of the doubt. Let's say he made it and actually fertilized the awaiting egg. Is this really the DNA you want for your offspring? In this world, we need to give our kids the best we can right from the beginning or survival is really going to be tough. But wait; is pure survival all we want? Should we not be thinking "thrive", instead of survive or exist? From my own personal experience in testing a variety of patients all with different health concerns, a cell phone that is worn on the body directly affects the nervous system at a cellular level. Typically the phone will have to be at least three feet away from the individual to stop eliciting the cellular response. Microwaves on the other hand can be detrimental in two separate ways. First is the direct effect of the EMWs while the microwave is running. Standing at least 5 feet away from the microwave can cut the number of waves affecting your nervous system down drastically. The second issue, however, is the FOOD and there is really no way around this one. Once any food is microwaved, the protein molecules in it are denatured, meaning they no longer resemble protein molecules. When you eat this, your body will not recognize it as actual building blocks for your cells. Because your body is smart, it decides to store these denatured particles in the event that it may be needed in the future. These molecules are considered toxins. 98 percent of the time toxins are stored in FAT CELLS. So the more microwaved food you eat, the more your body will jam pack your fat stores, and the more fat you will accumulate especially around your midsection. And if you thought you could get nutrients from any of that food, think again. Any natural enzymes or nutrients in the food were "killed on target" once the microwave ramped up to its maximum temperature. But sadly, that’s not all. If you'd like to compound this already horrendous problem, please microwave your food in a plastic bag or container. That way you can have your denatured, nutrient free dead food infused with BPA. Bisphenol A is a very toxic chemical that seeps off of plastic and into your food. When plastic is microwaved, BPA along with other toxic chemicals are rapidly pumped into your food. But who cares, your food is nice and hot and it only took 30 seconds.

So if you gain anything from this article, let it be to stop wearing your cell phone, try to keep it at least 3 feet away from you when you are not using it. And rethink the use of your microwave. Do you really need it? Wouldn’t you rather take that extra 2 minutes you saved by using it and add healthy years of life instead? Another ounce of prevention…

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