Less Effort, More Focus

Nowadays, we are absolutely inundated with incoming information. Our unconscious mind absorbs over 11 million bits of information every waking second, while we are only consciously aware of an average of 20 bits. Ah, hello? Where is all of this information going? In my opinion, even the things we are not consciously aware of can and do affect us in some way. At the very least, everything you absorb takes energy. I’d like that energy to go into processing things of depth, quality and meaning. For example, standing in a great cathedral feels different than standing in Times Square. Savoring an exceptional dinner with a loved one feels different than wolfing through a bag of drive-thru food (if we can call that food). What surrounds you, like everything you ingest, matters. And since it's your life, what you CHOOSE to surround yourself with, matters. As a reminder, our level of physical health is certainly dependent on the way we process our incoming data. This is why I am a huge advocate of meditation. If you are one who shudders when you hear the word meditation either because you have a preconceived religious notion, you don't like to meditate, or you don't know how; I hope to clear all that up for you now. Remove all of the information your unconscious mind has received about the word meditation. As a matter of fact, forget the word all together. Re-route your brain to be excited about enjoying a mere 5 minutes of pure silence. That's it! Just time each and every day to allow all thoughts to float away like little clouds. As I've stated before, we clean our physical bodies incessantly but we forget to clean the control center everyday. At the end of the day, your mind (not your brain) is in charge of what happens with your physical body anyway. Having cleared that up, the point of today's article is your ability to incorporate laser-like focus when it comes to your health. With the millions of bits of info bombarding us every second of every day, we can quite easily become lost in translation. When you have a health concern, quite frankly, everyone wants to put their two cents in. Downloaded into your database is information from Dr. Oz, your next door neighbor, your best friend, your doctor, your hundreds of emails, your own internet research. What you're left with interestingly enough, is just more confusion. You haven't made any positive change in your health, if anything, you feel even worse. This is why I urge you, please, STOP. Take a deep breath. Relax. Stop running around in circles chasing every little miracle cure out there and then using each one half way while using a zillion others at the same time. That system will get you nowhere fast and by that time you're ready to just throw in the towel and succumb to whatever it is you're fighting. This is where laser-like focus comes in. You need to make a choice. Make your choice and then stick with it. If you choose to work with a doctor or practitioner, great! But then follow the plan made for you precisely. Stop searching for another more exciting or faster way. If you choose to work with a friend who has been through a similar situation, fine! But stick with that program precisely. If you choose to start a new health regime such as a simple hot lemon water drink daily, wonderful! But stick with that until…and here's the best part…you automatically KNOW what route you need to take next. That's right, you are infinitely intelligent. Why? Because your Creator made you that way, and that infinite source is what you are tapping into. If you are able to clear out the clutter of your 'surface' mind, all you have to do is be patient and pay attention. You will hear that still small voice. That voice that is not influenced by your surroundings, or TV, or what somebody's cousin said. It's at that time (and you'll know when you hear it), that you take the NEXT step in your progression. And you STICK WITH that step until you're ready to make your next move, with laser-like focus to your next level. It is thousands of times easier than that 'surface' voice in your head wants you to think. Release that constant loud voice (with gratitude) and enjoy the ease of silence. At first letting go of that voice may feel like a never ending battle, but I assure you, it'll get easier by the day if you just continue to practice. As soon as you hear it, just say "Thank You" and it'll retreat. Dr. Moshe Feldenskrais, PhD (founder of functional integration system of neuromotor education and reconditioning) intelligently puts it this way: The sensation of effort is the subjective feeling of wasted movement. When an action is poorly and inefficiently performed, there is always a subjective feeling of strain, friction or resistance. In an effort to perform an action more efficiently, one must generally DO LESS and ACTUALLY LEARN HOW NOT TO MAKE AN EFFORT. Your easy steps: Find daily silent time to watch your thoughts float away, learn the difference between the loud ego voice in your head and the still small knowing voice (release the loud one continually until the small infinitely intelligent one is revealed), and filter your incoming information to focus with laser-like accuracy on your single next step.

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