How to have the BEST LIFE EVER

When it comes down to it, living one day at a time, moment by moment, not worried about the future or dwelling on the past, enjoying every breath God has given you regardless of your current situation (and trust me, everyone has a 'current situation'), what truly constitutes a great life is an accumulation of millions of great 'NOWs'. As we have all heard, we are supposed to be living in the NOW. For a very long time I have contemplated this. How is that really possible? Don't we need to use our knowledge from the past to create our futures? What I am slowly realizing is, that might not entirely be true. You see, you have this little voice inside your head-shhhhh, listen for a second and you'll hear it. THAT voice. The voice that says "You can't do that or else xyz will happen", or "You had better be careful or xyz will happen', or "You don't deserve xyz, so you might as well not even try", or "You're too fat, skinny, young, old, ugly….". You get the picture, you've heard it before. The funny thing is, that voice is something that was put there to keep us from CHANGE. Why? Because back in the caveman days, change meant death. If you left the protection of the 'cave', you might be eaten by a sabertooth tiger! As of the last time I checked, there aren't any sabertooth tigers running around, yet we are all still in the life zapping FIGHT or FLIGHT (sympathetic) mode of the nervous system, and our little voice is still telling us things to hold us back from experiencing our most fulfilled lives. Neuroscience now tells us that particular portion of the brain has not yet caught up with or adapted to our new and quickly changing world. With that in mind, here are my own personal top 10 tips to having the BEST LIFE EVER. 1. When you hear that little voice in your head trying to hold you down from greatness, politely say "Thank you!" and leave it at that. Just acknowledge and move on in the direction of your purpose anyway. 2. Get grounded. The earth's negative electrons are highly healing to the body, mind, and spirit. Research is pouring out now about this. Take off your shoes and touch the bare earth as often as you possibly can. 3. Find gratitude in EVERYTHING. Being in a grateful state will calm that little voice in your head right away, and even though it sounds cliche, there really is a silver lining in every cloud, and once you find it, that cloud will magically begin to lift. 4. Eat foods from the earth. Life begets life. Eating live foods that come directly from the earth and as locally and in raw form as possible will give you more LIFE. It's that easy! How cool. 5. Chill out. I mean really, its not that bad. Keeping yourself from switching into that sympathetic mode will add years to your life. Take a couple deep breaths and revert back to step 3. 6. Love. No, really….LOVE. And let your self FEEL it. It's okay to feel. 7. Give something away. Money, old clothes, a hug, a smile, a blessing. It will come back to you ten fold. 8. Move it or lose it. I don't care if you're just flailing around in your bed, just get that body moving so healing nutrients and oxygen can get into the places they need to be! 9. Schedule ME time daily. That's right, YOU are important. As a matter of fact, you are MOST important. The reason is, if you're no longer around, or if you're not healthy enough to care for your loved ones, who's going to do it? You need to be at your best, and to do that you need to have time for yourself. ME time is for doing only things that you love to do. 10. Be yourself. Authenticity is the new sexy.

Again, I urge you not to take my word for it, just give it a shot. Commit to using these tips for 1 week, just one measly week out of your life and see what happens. Get excited! Your best life ever awaits!

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