Brush Your Skin?

Okay, we know we are supposed to brush our teeth, and even our hair, but skin? As most of you know, your skin is the largest organ you have and it is also an extremely important part of your body's detoxification system. You may also know that proper detox is becoming increasingly imperative as our environment and food become more and more toxic. The skin has been called your third kidney because it actually eliminates 1/4 of the toxins from your body. This accumulates to over a pound of waste DAILY! If toxins are unable to be released through the skin, they will accumulate in fat cells as well as within your vital organs. Help your body keep up with a continual detox by easily and effectively opening your pores with skin brushing.

Benefits: Of course skin brushing creates radiant, vibrant looking skin, but the benefits don't stop there!

1. Blood and lymphatic flow stimulation. The lymphatics carry nutrients to your cells and clean up the garbage left behind. They then dump the waste into the blood stream. If this waste doesn't get properly eliminated by the kidneys, lungs, and skin, tissues start to swell and stagnate (you'll see this starting in the ankles).

2. Dead skin cell removal. If your skin looks dry or if you deal with eczema or rashes of any kind, your dead cells are clogging your system.

3. Immune boosting. Skin brushing is a great way to move toxins such as colds and flu through your body much faster (sometimes even before they can take hold and cause a problem).

4. Cellulite reduction. So it may take several months of skin brushing to see a difference, but cellulite is just a clump of clogged fat cells that has been stuck in one place for too long. Getting the lymph flowing better begins to pick this up and move it out. Another great trick is to apply a good quality lemon essential oil directly to the area to decrease the elimination time.

5. Hormone and oil gland stimulation. Regular bushing along with exercise starts to eliminate all the stored oils, which happen to be full of old hormones and other body waste. Don't be alarmed if your sweat is a little more smelly at first. Just know that if you keep it up, you'll find your sweat doesn't smell at all anymore!

6. Physical toning. Skin brushing stimulates the nerve endings in the skin. In turn, your individual muscle fibers are activated for better muscle tone, and new skin cells are created allowing tighter, more youthful skin.

How to do it: 1. Choose a natural fiber dry skin brush with a long handle that will reach all body parts. Some even have a side with tender pegs to help with any cellulite. When you first start, the bristles may seem a bit firm. It's ok, be gentle, it will just take a bit of time to get used to it. If you have sensitive skin, just start with a dry towel.

2. Brush your DRY body before you take a shower or bath. Morning is preferable.

3. Remember to start at your feet and always work toward your heart. Brush in a circular motion. Do bottoms of feet and then work your way up the legs. Pay special attention to any areas with increased cellulite. Brush lightly on sensitive areas.

4. Brush from fingers in toward your heart, and your chest/shoulder area down toward your heart.

5. Pay extra attention to underarms and groin area as these are major lymphatic stagnation sites.

6. Do not brush any broken or wounded skin and avoid your face (or just use a light touch with a dry towel on your face).

7. Shower! Use hot/cold shower therapy for an added lymphatic stimulation.

8. Dry off and use only natural oils on your skin (anything you can eat!). My favorites are coconut oil, cocoa butter, or olive oil.

9. Make it a daily practice and reap the benefits!

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