The Amazing Benefits of Local Spring Water

Anyone can get just any old spring water shipped from who-knows-where across the globe, or buy it from any number of bottled spring water companies. At my clinic, we have tested so many of these for quality, contaminants, and just the way they energetically connect with a specific person’s body. What we know is that there is no water that is better for your blood, intracellular fluid, muscles, bones, or cellular matrix than the water that is located closest to your personal eco-system. Think of it as a DNA rejuvenating bath for your entire Central Nervous System. Newsflash: we are made of up to 85% water. Wouldn’t it make sense to put the freshest, cleanest, most bio-available water into our bodies for a strong building block foundation? Using your local spring is one of the best ways to build the best body you could ever imagine. Your local spring water is fresh, clean, and ALIVE! That’s right, there is still life in the water you are getting from your local spring. The earth has a natural method of pushing up the water it has been filtering for thousands of years. Once it is deemed ‘ready’, the mighty mother earth pushes it up and it SPRINGS up and out for us!

This water has been under ground since before we started polluting our earth. It has never been in contact with industrial pollution. It has never even been broken down by the properties of light. And the best part? IT’S FREE!

When spring water is bottled in clear plastic bottles and then shipped to you, it is already subject to light degradation, radiation (via travel), and the horrid chemicals located in the plastic bottle. As a side note, plastic bottles are supposed to sit for at least one year after they are blown in order to decrease the chemical load they put into the water (and thus your body). Most larger water companies actually blow their plastic bottles in house and immediately run them through the fill line. At any rate, by the time you actually get your water, it is no longer alive and can no longer give your body it’s strong life force potential. Your body does what it can to use it for a cellular base, but it is truly less than ideal. Let’s think about it in another way...

Imagine you just finished working on a major outside project. You’re full of dirt and debris, you’re tired, you’re thirsty, you’re stinky! You have two options: Shower number 1 contains water that has been sitting in a plastic container out in the sun for hours. It is not fresh and is polluted with chemicals. It doesn’t even smell right. You have to bring your own soap and scrubbers in order to get clean. Shower number 2 contains fresh, clean, clear, energized water that is able to clean your body without you having to do a thing. You just step in. It’s the perfect temperature. Once in, you can feel little micro-cleaners take over and refresh every square inch of your body. You’re instantly energized! Obviously I’m hoping you would choose option 2! This is the choice you get to make for your cells on a daily basis. Your cells make up YOU. If you want to feel fresh, rejuvenated, clean, and on your ‘A game’, you have to give this option to yourself on a cellular level first!

We are so lucky in the Northwoods to have a couple local springs available to us. You may even be able to ‘tap’ one on your own land! If you choose to make your own, make sure you do have the water tested for purity. So here is your next step in enjoying the best life ever. Take the time to locate a spring near you and take advantage of it. You will feel the difference immediately. Wherever you are, you can find a spring near you at You deserve it!

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