The Missing System for Complete Life Fulfillment

If you take a look at the way we do things in this day and age, you will notice that most of our day to day activities to enhance life are based on what we will call 'systems'. We have a system for keeping our teeth in our mouth (called brushing and flossing our teeth at least once daily). We have a system for making money (called going to work). We have a system for education (schooling), for attracting a mate (showering among other things), for keeping a healthy physical body (exercising and eating clean). And the list goes on. The interesting thing is that we seem to be missing something that is in my opinion of highest importance in order to enjoy a truly fulfilling life on planet earth. We do not have a system in place for clearing our minds. Cleaning up our mind chatter daily as a SYSTEM has the power to help every other aspect of life. Because we tend to get stuck in 'reality', meaning the things that we can physically see, we often times forget about the all important parts of us that we can't physically see. Just because we can't see them, certainly doesn't mean they're not there. Take electricity for example. Can you see it? No, but you know it's there, right? And how about your mind? Not your brain, the non-physical part that you often hear talking to you. Telling you what you should have done, what you are incapable of, what to worry about, who to judge, giving you the guilt trip, keeping you up at night, and constantly trying to figure everything out. Round and round. If this sounds at all familiar, your mind probably hasn't had a good cleansing bath in quite some time. Cleansing your mind is at least as important as cleansing your body but for some reason we haven't gotten to the point as a society where we understand this concept enough to make it a SYSTEM. If you'd like to continue through life with a monkey mind that bogs you down day after day, just stop reading here. If you'd like to enjoy a clutter free mind that is open to new ideas and is capable of helping you achieve your goals and intentions, it's much easier than you think! You have my personal guarantee that if you follow these easy steps every day for 21 days (the length of time it takes to create a new 'system' or habit), you will see your life change in ways you never thought imaginable.

Step One: Before you get out of bed, spend three minutes going through all of the things you are grateful for. And really FEEEEEEL it. This will set the tone for your entire day! Waking up frustrated, worried, or anxious about your day will only end up a self-fulfilling prophecy. The feeling tone of gratefulness is a higher vibrational frequency. When you start your day in this frequency, you will notice people are naturally drawn to you, and that you feel empowered as opposed to annoyed.

Step Two: During the time you are cleaning your body each day in the shower or bath, set your intentions for the day. Typically you are just letting your mind ping pong back and forth between thousands of different thoughts which is only hindering your day and causing you stress and anxiety. STOP it. Instead go through your entire day in your mind before it happens. You do have to focus here, it is easy to get distracted. Stay on task and run through a perfect day in your head, just how you want it. You'll be surprised at the miracles that will happen!

Step Three: Spend a minimum of 10 minutes of each day in either meditation (no thoughts), visualization (clear thoughts of your goals and intentions for life), and/or deep breathing (making sure you are concentrating on your breath and not letting your mind run crazy). To be efficient, I often do all three together.

Using these three easy steps as a SYSTEM cleans your mind daily and makes room for fun, love, and happiness! If a situation comes your way that is undesirable, you will easily flow through it and are capable of turning the situation around completely. When your mind is full of junk and something positive comes your way you will somehow see the bad in it. When bad comes, you play the victim role. It's a vicious cycle and you don't have time for it! You were given free will for a reason. Get out of that monkey mind cycle of despair and make a choice to enjoy this wonderful gift of life to it's fullest extent!

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