The Power of Mud

In the last several months, I have been researching what I believe is the most fascinating information I have come across in my entire career. Many doctors are now finding that this key factor is overlooked in literally EVERY disease. It is hidden, deep-seated toxicity in the ground substance of the body. What?! The body's ground substance consists of the external meridians and connective tissues. To keep it as basic as I can, the meridian system is like a system or network of highways running in, through, and around the body carrying Life Energy, or what traditional Chinese medicine calls Chi (Qi). These hidden toxicities cause blockages of Chi leading to years of delayed healing (or no healing at all). The coolest thing is that they are now finding ways to release these old health blocking toxins using a technique that has been around for EVER with many references in ancient manuscripts. The story that comes to mind for me is the one in the Bible where Jesus put clay on a blind man's eyes in order to help him see again. That's right CLAY! The healing properties of therapeutic muds/clays and ionized minerals help to increase circulation, boost the immune system, ease muscle tension, and rejuvenate cells. Proper use of these amazing clays will assist with the rapid clearing of toxic sludge (studies show up to 50% of the local toxic elements in a single application!). This is the stuff I get excited about. I believe God put everything on this earth for everyone to be able to completely heal their body. It doesn't have to be expensive, and it shouldn't take a decade to happen. When 'mud packs' are done properly, a thermal effect is created which is an increased, deep intrinsic cellular cleansing. It can even provide quick resolution of many aches and pains such as hand pain, foot neuralgia, hip problems, frozen shoulder, and the list goes on. What I am most adept in using these therapeutic muds or clays for are restoring nerve and energy flow to any scars or old injury sites where the body's energy flow is typically non-existent. I also recently used a quick mud-bath on my four year old son when I could tell he was starting to come down with a cold. He INSTANTLY perked up and the 'cold' was totally gone by the next day. As the body becomes overwhelmed with toxic exposure from both the environment and lifestyle, the liver just can't keep up. At that point, the left-over toxins get dumped into the areas that have been injured or traumatized. When we look at an old injury from the outside, it looks like the body has healed it completely, but at the cellular level, it is very weak and cannot properly remove the toxins out of its membrane. This not only leads to ongoing trouble in that area, but can lead to other weaknesses in the body based on those meridian pathways we mentioned earlier. It's amazing to me that as a society, we have lost track of this amazing healing modality for so many years. But you watch, it's certainly making a rapid come-back! I will caution you on making sure the clay or mud you use is not contaminated. You certainly don't want to add more toxins to the mix! There's so much I want to tell you all, and often I feel like this short article, doesn't really give you enough of the complete picture. This is why we have created the Be Your Own Physician course. Again, the course is FREE as long as you apply and get chosen to be in the group. My personal guarantee?- It will totally revamp your health in every way. If this sounds like something you're ready for, find us at We will be going over everything you need to know about mud packing and much more. If the course is not an option for you, just do a bit of your own research on this cheap, safe, and extremely effective healing art and start rejuvenating your body by getting dirty! What could be more fun? As always, I'm only an email away if you have questions.

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