Top Ten Ways to Detox Your Body

1. Start your day with 8-12 oz of warm lemon water. Use 3 drops of a high grade lemon essential oil or 1/2 of an organic lemon. For extra credit, and 'bad' estrogen detox, eat some of the lemon peels as well. Excellent for liver and kidney clearing.

2. Venture into green juicing! Incorporate at least one tall glass per day of any of the great greens. Get creative and have fun while your body stays at an optimal alkaline pH and your blood gets a good scrub.

3. Take a hot bath in sea salt (2 tbsp) and baking soda (1/4 cup). Excellent for cleansing your outer layers of skin as well as your emotions. For an added detox, jump into a cold shower (or a snowbank if you're as brave as my husband) right afterward!

4. Set your phone for a deep breathing break every hour. Breathe in as deep as you can using your good belly breathing, hold your breath for 2-10 seconds and then breathe all the way out until you have emptied your lungs completely. Repeat at least 5 times to clear the deep dark filters of your lungs.

5. Eliminate plaque and clear your bloodstream of toxins by swishing high quality sesame or coconut oil for 15-20 minutes before brushing your teeth, drinking, or eating in the morning.

6. Dry brush your skin before a shower or bath daily. Brush with a dry towel or skin brush toward your heart and take the load off of the kidneys while clearing toxic waste from the skin.

7. Suck on a corn kernel size piece of himalayan sea salt before bed to help with lymph detox, sleep, and alkalinity. Make sure you are properly hydrated of course!

8. Get your rear end outside! Seriously. And if for some reason you can't get outside one day, make SURE you at least open doors and/or windows on opposite sides of the house to clear the stagnant and very toxic air you are breathing.

9. Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of fresh spring water daily.

10. STRETCH! Either get yourself to a yoga or stretching class, or just get down on the floor and move your body into positions you're not used to being in. This is essential for clearing accumulated junk out of your muscles, organs, tendons, glands, and even stored up emotional garbage. Remember to breathe and your flexibility will increase dramatically.

Consult with your doctor or practitioner before starting a new cleansing regime, but it's no longer good enough to do just one cleanse or detox program every so often. We are in an era where we need to keep up with our cleansing on a daily basis at some level. The ones I have mentioned here are either free or very inexpensive. All you have to do is plan a bit more time in your day to make it happen. You're totally worth it! Spending a little time each day will add many more quality years to your beautiful life. For more information on any of my top 10 favorites, I'm only an email away!

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