Understanding Female Hormones


There are always many questions surrounding the female menstrual cycle: Why do I have so much pain with my period? Why do I suffer with PMS? Why am I going into early menopause? Why is menopause so difficult? We will consider this physiological process and list a few of the reasons for the above complaints.

The female cycle occurs because of the natural increases and decreases in progesterone and estrogen. Problems arise only if, and when, there is an imbalance in the natural fluctuations of these two hormones. Although these changes vary with age, there are swings that are normal for every age. If they are kept in check, there are no undue, troublesome symptoms.

In younger women, an improper balance in hormones often triggers a visit to the doctor for birth control pills (BCP). The problem here is that most BCPs overload the system with estrogen. So now, not only do you have side effects, you also deal with nutrient deficiencies. Why is that? In order for the liver to metabolize these drugs, extra zinc and Vitamin B and C are taken from the body.

As for the new “no-period” pills or “seasonal-period,” as healthcare professionals, we feel they were not studied enough before being released. The women using them are the test subjects, and who wants to be a guinea pig? There is something very unnatural about not having a monthly period. The other side to this is the fact that menstruation is one way that women naturally release toxic build up.  Toxic stress on your body from ingesting chemicals, metals, and even toxic emotions can be eliminated through the body during a period.  Not having a monthly cycle before natural menopause can be detrimental to this cleaning process.

If you are an older women dealing with menopause, again the issue is the hormone fluctuations. Instead of masking the imbalance with hormone replacement therapy, or, worse yet, organ removal, simply consider alleviating your bothersome symptoms from the inside out. All women will want to read our Health Tip

And as always, we are here to help you in your personal quest for quality health and happiness!

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