The 3 N's for Healthy Grocery Shopping

Begin In The Kitchen 

MP9004091301-150x150.jpg At this point it is inevitable that we need to make greener choices all around.  From energy choices, to clothing, to transportation, and cleaning supplies, taking steps in the green direction is paramount.  When I started making greener choices, my first step was taking a closer look at the foods I purchased and the way that I cooked (or didn't cook) them.  Again, baby steps are important so the entire family can easily adjust to the new changes.

When it comes to buying organic foods, the way that you cook and store meals will change.

Green, organic foods are free from preservatives, which means that you'll need to adjust to purchasing them 'on demand' as you need them, rather than being able to simply store them for a few days until you're ready to use them.   My family makes a trip to the natural health food store at least 4 times/week.  That may seem like a lot if you're used to making less frequent trips, but less frequent means more processed and preserved food.  We need to take a look at that and start pulling ourselves out of that mentality.  It doesn't take too long to make a quick trip after work into the grocery store for just a few fresh items.

When buying groceries, a simple way to keep your brain on track is to think of the three N's:  Natural, Naked, and New.

 Natural meaning that your foods are not heavily processed and do not contain pesticides or preservatives.  They are fresh and all natural.  There are now many places carrying fresh, natural and organic produce and meats.  And if you have never tasted organic meat or produce be prepared for an incredible experience!  Your entire body will light up in gratitude to you!  Not only are natural and organic meats and produce free from toxins, pesticide sprays and preservatives, but they allow your body to use their nutrients without flooding you with toxicities.  And as an extra bonus, their natural flavor is retained as well.

 Naked meaning that your organic foods will contain as little packaging as possible. You want to avoid foods that claim to be organic but use non-renewable packaging. For example, you may see this as organic peppers covered in shrink wrap.  These were shipped from too far away and the plastic itself is certainly leaching into the produce.  Also remember to read labels.  There is some sneaky stuff going on, even in the organic world.  Watch especially for added corn and/or soy as these are 70-90 percent genetically modified.

For meat products, look for a local grass fed and/or free range source.  And it is always best if the animal's diet is grain free (organic grain or not).  These animals should not have been given artificial drugs or medication including antibiotics or bovine human growth hormone.

 New simply means that you want to focus on buying organic foods that are currently in season.

Whenever possible, purchase your groceries locally. The "Farmers Markets" where you can purchase local produce, meats, and other things from local vendors and merchants are a MUST.

By doing this, you are not only supporting your local economy but your foods will be fresh and healthy.  If you are concerned about the farming techniques they use, such as whether they use pesticides, preservatives or hormones, simply ask them!  You should also consider purchasing common foods in bulk through a local buyers co-op.  Single serving food products are a waste of packaging materials, and by buying bulk will cut down on your grocery bill and the effect on our planet. Just make sure to purchase only bulk foods that you frequently use to ensure that they do not expire quickly.  Our family uses our local co-op for bulk herbs, tuna, coconut oil, frozen berries, olives, spices, and the like.

Lastly, get your compost going and recycle!

Composting fruits and vegetables is a great way of cutting down on the amount of waste images-7-150x150.jpgmaterial and garbage going into your local landfill sites and provides nutrient rich soil and fertilizer that you can use in your gardens and on your plants!

If you have children at home, pack those school lunches in reusable containers.   Not only will this help reduce waste but you'll save a bundle by not having to purchase ziplock bags or plastic carriers.  And you'll save their health by not putting all of their food in plastic.

There is also another very important point to consider when going green.  Some of the products and materials that are often found in our day to day life are very dangerous, such as vinyl backpacks for example.  These are often made from PVC, polyvinyl chloride.  In addition, cotton clothing often contains pesticides and other harmful and genetically modified chemicals.  By removing these elements out of your child’s day-to-day activities, you are not only protecting the earth, you are protecting those you love.  So as you take steps toward positive changes by going green, remember to look for natural materials whenever possible.

In summary, take your baby steps toward Natural, Naked, and New foods, clothing, and supplies and remember, we vote with our DOLLARS so be the change you want to see in our world!money_stretch-150x150.jpg

If you need more help than this, we would love to create a customized program for you!  Find out more here!

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