150 Years Young With the Ancient Oil Pulling Secret

Seriously? 150 years? I have my doubts about that timeframe, BUT I do know that finding a way to easily, efficiently, and consistently remove toxic buildup from our bodies is absolutely the key to unlocking longevity. I have studied and experimented with literally hundreds of different ways to properly dispel these life zapping toxins. I have concluded that there are 4 main components most of us are looking for in a detoxification program: simple, no side effects, effective, and affordable. The single thing that stands out the most when incorporating all of these is something called Oil Pulling. Of course it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, but recently has gained much more attention by the research of Dr. F. Karach, MD, who presented a paper before oncologists and bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach was met with astonishment and doubt, but after more research and documentation, the results speak for themselves. The simplicity of this healing system in which Sesame or Sunflower Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth, is due to the stimulating effect which it has on the body’s eliminatory system.

The method is shown to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues such as internal organs simultaneously. When you pull and swish the oil between your teeth and throughout your entire mouth, microbes and other toxins are pulled away from the blood stream and into the saliva. You have to reach 15-20 minutes for the pulling of toxins to occur. (I do mine while in the shower). Some of the positive results Dr. Karach and his colleagues are showing oil pulling success with: Migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased teeth, arterio-thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro-physiological paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women’s hormonal disorders. One particular case study that stood out to me was an acute arthritis patient, totally bedridden, that was removed from his bed in 3 days with no inflammation present.

The immediate results I see with my own patients are increased metabolism/weight loss, cleaner, whiter, tightly fastened teeth and healthier gums (your dentist will love you), and better sleep. Dr. Karach anticipates that with regular application (that means if you’re going to do it, you have to be consistent!), the body’s normal disease process could be reversed so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body. And he proposes the average lifespan would then be doubled-to 150 years! Whether you believe you could live that long or not, the great thing about this method is that it’s harmless! The worst thing you could do for yourself is create healthier teeth and gums. The best? Well, according to Dr. Karach, the sky is the limit. You’ve got nothing to lose by oil pulling each morning. If you’re intrigued in the least, I urge you to try it for a minimum of 21 days to notice results.

Instructions: Ideally oil pulling should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before brushing your teeth. - Take about 1T of unrefined Sesame, Sunflower, or Coconut Oil - Add a couple drops of a healing essential oil like oregano if desired (not required). - Swish and pull the oil slowly and methodically through and around the teeth, not vigorously, making sure the oil reaches every region of your mouth. - Be careful not to swallow the now toxic oil.

150 Years Young With the Ancient Oil Pulling Secret - Continue swishing for at least 15 minutes, 20 for extra credit! - The oil will become very thin, white, and foamy as you swish. - Spit the oil into the toilet and rinse your mouth thoroughly with pure water and/or sea salt. - Brush with a natural toothpaste afterwards. - Happy Pulling!

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