Unlock Your New Life HERE!


GUESS WHAT?!  Research has now proven that the genes or DNA you were born with do NOT determine your health future.  And in fact, this past 12 years of focused studies and research on the human genome have also finally revealed the fastest, and most efficient way to advance your human potential, and DEFY your DNA!  This includes the most leading-edge technology currently available to reach total mind and body wellness.  News flash, it’s not about a new medication, surgery, or even a new natural vitamin or supplement.  Turns out there is something more to turning on good genes and turning off bad genes.

This is a very specific, individualized, and accelerated healing model that is now available to you and your family.  No more need to waste time confused and wondering what to do about getting and staying disease free, and vibrantly healthy.

Imagine if you could...

Wake up refreshed, full of energy, and ready to ROCK your day... Discover what YOUR body is missing to optimize your life... Clear out all blocks to perfect health and success... Find the underlying cause of your health concerns and eradicate them… Learn the exact foods your body desires, and the ones that cause problems for you... Feel younger each and every day while your biological age naturally reverses... Enjoy living your purposeful, happy, healthy, and successful life!



You see, the secret lies in your individuality.  What we now know is that your specific genome is affected by your own personal environment (surroundings, family, air, water, relationships, finances, food, and the list goes on).  Because of this fact, what works great for one person does not ever work in the same fashion for another.  The amazing news is that the secret key to unlocking your body's vast potential has finally been revealed.

We are truly excited to help you understand your body’s individual blueprint so you can trade in your concerns for a life of EASE, JOY, and abundant natural health!

If this makes sense to you and you’d like to learn more, use the coupon below for your consultation appointment.  We assure you, this is like nothing you’ve ever seen or done before.  Oh!  And don’t keep the news to yourself, forward a coupon to someone you care about.  No matter where you or your loved one lives, we can help.  We now have the capability and technology to perform your testing remotely, and are proud to say we are helping people all over the world!  Click the coupon below to schedule your no obligation consultation appointment using the limited time discount while it is still available.

Find out what some clients are saying about us here... 



For signing up today, we are giving you one of our favorite natural sleep aids.  Clients of ours rave about this easy to use audio (just pop on your headphones and enjoy).  We recently worked with a group of cancer patients who had gone through chemotherapy that had serious trouble falling into deep healing sleep.  After using the audio only once, they reported full and fulfilling nights of restful sleep!  The audio utilizes binaural tones to bring your brain naturally into the deep sleep mode so that you can enjoy rejuvenating and energizing sleep.  Imagine what that can do for you in the daytime! 

The Binaural Tone Deep Sleep and Relaxation Audio has a value of $37, which makes your consultation appointment essentially risk free. 

Are you ready to take the next step for yourself or your loved one?  You're one click away.  We truly look forward to working with you very soon.

Drs. Ida Allen and Jerod Bergman




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