How to Enjoy Safer, Cheaper, More Effective Healthcare

Do you need safer, cheaper, more effective health care?  As a natural health practitioner, people I see on a daily basis are looking for something different.  Modern Medicine as we all know is designed to manage symptoms.  The pharmaceuticals that are given out are made from isolated synthetic agents with known and unknown side-effects.  Globally, we are spending $4.5 TRILLION per year on health care.  The question we need to ask is, are we healthier because of it?  In my opinion, it is high time we start to take better care of our bodies so that we do not have to depend on Modern Medicine to cut us up or give us drugs in an effort to handle the situation.  Please understand that I have many friends and colleagues in the Modern Medicine arena and they ALL agree that the solution lies in each of us as individuals learning to take better care of ourselves.  It is not your doctor's job to take care of you.  It is your body and your responsibility to treat it as well as you can so that visits to your doctor can be minimized or even avoided.


Of course there are many ways to naturally enhance your health, but one of my favorites is the realm of Essential Oils!  Consider it nature's medicine.  It's time to makeover your medicine cabinet with these amazing life enhancing Essential Oils!  These highly concentrated plant extracts have uses ranging from cosmetics to foods, to natural health solutions. Yes they can help to minimize symptoms, but they also address the root cause of the problem.  The right essential oils are made up of hundreds of natural compounds found in plants that enhance physical and emotional health.  Of course there are safe benefits to using these amazing oils that do not come with any side effects.  So is it possible to reinvent your health care with natural solutions?  Let's take a closer look…

Did you know that properly prepared natural essential oils are 50-70 times 

more powerful than herbs?  Did you know that they have unique features that allow them to enter each of your cells and inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses?  In fact, essential oils can affect every cell in the body within 20 minutes time and then be metabolized by the liver just like other nutrients.  The problem I am seeing with many people is that they are taking x, y, or z supplement to help with whatever is troubling them, but more often than not, their digestion is not working properly.  So even if the supplement was right for them, their body is not digesting it so it is not doing them any good at all.  In the case of essential oils, the molecules are so minuscule that they can be absorbed through your skin directly into your blood stream, or even inhaled through your olfactory glands sending them directly into your cells.  This makes them highly effective and easy to use from geriatrics to infants.  Some specific oils also have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (which is being highly studied now due to the rising incidences of Alzheimer's, MS, and Parkinson's disease).

An important note of caution, however.  If you are making a decision to further study and/or use aromatherapy and/or essential oils, you must seek out the purest quality and highest therapeutic grade oils available.  Anything less than therapeutic-grade essential oils may not produce the desired results and can even be extremely toxic to the system!

Essential Oils were mankind's first medicine.  From Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, we know that priests and physicians have been using essential oils for thousands of years.  There are also 188 references to these wonderful oils in the Bible (such as Frankincense-my current personal favorite!).

Where to start?  Lavender, Peppermint, and Lemon oils are a great base to start with.  These oils alone would take up an entire article full of features and uses from house cleaning to cellulite reduction, to restful sleep, and energy boosts!  So whether you are looking to completely revamp your current health picture, or you would like to just try something new, learn more about these oils.  You will truly be amazed.

We are also now offering free classes and webinars on the oils and their many wonderful uses.  Please email us at: [email protected] so we can get you information on times and dates of upcoming classes!  Many blessings!

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