The Importance of Living Foods and ENZYMES

ln a culture of fad diets and fat-buster “seemingly” magic pills, we would like to state that there is only one sane path to improved weight, health, vitality, and happiness. The Creator gave us everything the physical body needs to survive and thrive. It’s called “live” foods.

Do not lose sight of the fact that the body was made to process natural things grown and found in the natural world. But what have we done to this straightforward and safe plan? We chemically alter, process, and package in factories, and call the results “food.” For instance, you might find a box of “natural” organic cookies. But have you ever seen a cookie-bearing tree? And what is missing in those touted “natural” cookies? Do they contain enzymes? Well, no. These essential micronutrients are found only in live foods.

And here is the problem, and it has to do with the pancreas. Its job is to put out enzymes that help to digest food, enzymes that are inherent in the food itself. If these magical little molecules are missing in your daily meals, the pancreas must make up the difference, and, over time, the little organ simply wears out. Diabetes results from an ongoing lack of live enzymes from a diet that is based on processed, sugared, and overcooked foods.

But the trouble does not end with the pancreas. Every organ in the body becomes compromised by the absence of live enzymes.

If you're not eating raw foods 90% of the time, you need additional help.  The enzymes we don't ever go a single cooked meal without?  Premier Digest.  The best part is, they taste like grape juice, so even your kids will chew them right up.

Refer to our HEALTH TIP for one simple — and the main — way to ensure that you get enough of these vital micronutrients.

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