Best RAW broccoli soup on the planet!

C'mon, you know you need to eat more raw broccoli.  But just picking up a head and chewing on it just doesn't do it for me either.  The more raw broccoli you eat, the less prone to hormonal type cancers and other degenerative diseases you are.  It has a special property to pull out 'bad' hormones (namely estrogen) and increase the ability of your cells to detoxify.

This soup is so easy and yummy, you're going to love it.  The recipe is adapted from the book Living on Live Foodir?t=educatwellne-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0974896306 by Alissa Cohen.  q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=0974896306&Format=_SL110_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=educatwellne-20ir?t=educatwellne-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0974896306 She has tons of amazing recipes and I'd encourage you to get her book and start eating more raw, nutrient dense foods. 

3 cups filtered warm water 1 cup almonds (preferably soaked over night) 1t raw honey 2 cups broccoli 1 avocado 1/2-1 clove garlic 1T olive oil 1t onion 1 and 1/2 t Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt 1/2 t cumin 1/8 t black pepper 1/4 c Nutritional Flakes (optional but makes it more 'cheesy' tasting)


We put water, almonds, and honey in the Vitamix or Nutri Bulletir?t=educatwellne-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00AIHD94Y (both great nutrient EXTRACTORS-not mere blenders, but a blender would work okay if you don't have one of these) and blend until smooth.  Then we add everything else and blend until creamy!  Add cumin, sea salt, and pepper for additional flavor as needed.  These are what really make the taste!



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