A Perspective On Gratefulness

A Perspective on Gratefulness

I recently returned from a trip to a 3rd world country. I had my own agenda related to business (and of course a little fun), but I really wanted to learn more about their culture, their lifestyle, and their overall health. We stayed at a very beautiful resort on an island. The employees spoke English and graciously tended to our every need. We enjoyed fresh coconuts right off the tree in front of our ‘casita’ and spent time kayaking and snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef. Our yoga classes were taught on a huge platform connected to a pier way out on the ocean-talk about being one with nature! I could go on about the beauty of the sea and the pampering, but that’s not my point. The point here is that we were being treated like we were royalty all because we were born in America. When we left the resort, the surroundings were very different. The towns were littered with people. The homes were nothing more than shacks, and these shacks were inhabited by the ‘rich’ locals. None of the roads were paved. There was garbage everywhere.

There were no cars, just a few golf carts and old rusty bicycles for people to go longer distances than their feet could carry them. Finding an actual flushing toilet was like finding an Aztec treasure! As I looked around, I thought to myself, this is NOT a place I could ever live happily. But looking closer, I could not find a single unhappy person. These people were beyond friendly. They were having fun, loving, and truly enjoying life. They were grateful for the clothing on their backs, and SHOES?! To have on a pair of shoes was amazing. Well, for a minute anyway, until they realized their feet liked the freedom of being without shoeseven better.


Coming back to America, and looking around at the people, I see sluggishness. I see depression, I see hopelessness and greed. WHY? I get in my car, wait a minute…I have a car! I start driving down the road…a road? With people constantly fixing it for me? My car and this road take me exactly where I need to go. I go home. I have a home! I love my home! I can regulate the temperature in my home! I have fresh food whenever I want it. I have a closet full of clothes and shoes. I can take a shower-EVERY DAY! Wherever I go, there’s a toilet that flushes! I have a computer that will give me information on whatever I need. I have a phone that allows me to SEE my mom across the country when I talk to her. My children go to a great school and can play sports. They have an endless supply of books to read. This list could go on forever. Why is it that we are constantly looking for more? Why do we need millions of dollars to be happy? Can we find a way to be grateful for what we have? I don’t care if our economy is in a recession or not! We have cars, homes, clothing, food, and education. Do you realize that if you only had your car and your home (no cable, no internet, no fast food, no Wal-Mart shopping…) you are still amongst the top 5% of richest people on the planet?! I’m just feeling like we have no excuse here to be grumbling about ANYTHING. Let’s try to concentrate on the wonderful life we have here in America. Let’s concentrate on the time we have with our families. Let’s enjoy the clean air, the sunshine, and the rain. Find the good in things. Find the happiness, the joy, the love. Live in gratitude and watch the blessings-internal and external-pour into your life.   


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