Expanding Your Food Budget the SMART way!


Savvy homemakers look for creative ways to stretch the dollar in times of economic pressure. These suggestions can keep money in your pocket:

1. Buy staples in 50# bags and split with family and friends.

2. Avoid buying single-serving portions. Look for large quantities (or sizes) and repackage into smaller portions. Some foods lend themselves especially well to this practice.

3. Buy grass-fed beef by the half or whole. Again, you can look for a friend to go halves with you.

4. Buy organic cheese in bulk. Grate at home and freeze in small packages.

5. Watch for sales on products you use. Stock up. Package, freeze, shelve it — whatever it takes to take advantage of a good price.

6. Look online for the “Subscribe and Save” option. This allows for shipments to come at a reduced price and often with free shipping.

7. Search out buying clubs that may exist in your community. These groups buy from wholesale warehouses. Products come in bulk and at the wholesale price, plus a small markup. Another bonus is that they generally offer great monthly sales.

8. Prepare meals in quantity and freeze for later use. You save energy, time, and the cost is lower. “Win, Win, Win” on this one!

9. Tough times? Stretch that dollar! It is easier than you think. Get tough on your habits, especially if you have been prone to poor planning and wasting. Become proactive and guard your money!

This is an opportunity to ride out challenging situations and to come out victorious on the other side!

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