Could the Economy Be Causing Your Health Crisis?


We cite three component parts of sound health: physical wellness, chemical wellness, and emotional wellness.

The physical aspect includes keeping the body fit and free of injury. The chemical side relates to the substances that enter the body through food, supplements, beauty products, medications, air, water, etc. The emotional side refers to psychological, mental, and spiritual balance. The the emotional dimension of health is the focus of this article.

Due to our faltering economy, many people are struggling with their finances. This can put one on an emotional roller coaster for financial problems, indeed, make for a stressful situation. As such, they can affect one’s health.

How does this happen? As we process a bleak outlook, fear can color our perceptions. Some people react by selling off investments and abandoning their plans for expansion. The unfortunate thing about this is that it means they are giving subtle ascendancy to a mindset that is fixed on things getting worse.

On the flip side of the coin are the creative thinkers who accept the circumstances, maintain control, and they end up enhancing their financial situation. It may involve risk-taking, but if the move is thought out, chances are that “good” will come from it.

Surprisingly, a bad economy can offer unique opportunities for those who are open to new ideas. This vein of thinking boosts the emotions, placing the person in a healthier state of mind than that of the one who expresses and expects gloom and doom. So bolster up those emotions and look for opportunities to rise above the fray in times of trouble, setback, and disappointment. Your point of view has consequences that tend toward either wellness or disease.  So remember to keep your outlook positive, and the exact right financial 'open doors' will come your way at exactly the right time.

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