How To Be Successful at Losing Weight


Have you ever looked for the perfect diet? This is the time of the year when people are searching! There are many choices: the low-carb, low-fat, or high-protein approaches, raw food, cabbage soup, etc. The list is almost endless.

But there isn’t a single weight-loss program that works in every case. And, keep in mind, a “diet” is something that you “go on,” which means you can also “go off”! Even if you lose weight, pounds can easily sneak back on, and — here is the kicker — when you gain, you are likely to weigh more than before you started your “diet.” So it is time to realize that it is actually your mindset that can make or break your efforts.

Start by adjusting the way you think about food. Concentrate on replacing foods, not on eliminating them. If you focus on the foods you CAN’T eat, the perceived “deprivation” will surely torment you, and you will eventually give in to cravings. Think, rather, on the wonderful array of approved foods, and keep it exciting by trying new ones. This will revitalize your taste buds and improve your odds of being successful at altering those longstanding poor dietary habits.


Stay off the scale! Pounds don’t necessarily just disappear, especially if you are exercising (and exercise IS important). When you lose fat but gain muscle, the scale won’t move much. Body Mass Index is a more reliable indicator of progress. Secondly, if you get on the scale in the morning and realize that you did not lose weight — or, worse, that you gained — you set yourself up for a “bad-eating” day!

Don’t set a magic number for a goal weight. Focus on the increased energy, the restful sleep, the changes in how your clothes fit, and on the positive feeling you enjoy as a result of your new lifestyle. These points are KEY to achieving ultimate victory over your weight problem.


The other LARGE issue when dealing with weightloss mindset is your subconscious mind and beliefs.  You may have a belief pertaining to how easy or how difficult it is to lose or gain weight (whether known or unknown).  If this is the case you may find yourself yo-yo-ing with your weight, or even completely stuck at the same weight no matter what you do!  There is a way out of this, and that is to re-train your brainwaves, thus retraining your limited beliefs.  I'm not just blowing smoke here, this is a very real and scientifically proven fact.  Our favorite way to change these life diminishing patterns is to use the safe and scientifically studied method of Binaural Beats and Neurolinguistics.  If this sounds like something you may be dealing with, please go check it out right away!

If you have realized that your weight loss efforts aren't sufficient on your own, you may need professional direction and support.  Our weight-loss program may be for you. We have helped many people reverse the difficulties that result from being overweight. You can find more information by going here.

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