Groceries on a Personal Level

People seem to ask me all the time what my shopping list consists of.  I always reply, "Simple, protein, veggies, and good fat!"  Well, that doesn't seem to suffice, so I will expand here and try to keep it as simple as I can.  My husband (Dr. Jerod Bergman) and I have two sons (8 and 2), and one daughter (4).  We eat a minimum of 6 smaller meals daily and each meal consists of a protein, fat, and a vegetable.  Grains are a rare occurrence at our house, but if eaten they are always before 2pm so they are properly burned off before bedtime.

Daily Staples:

Vegetables are first on our list of staple items.  My family eats veggies nearly constantly throughout the day.  The easy way to keep your family eating them is to cut them all up snack size as soon as you get them and put them in (what we call) a veggie bin.  The bin comes out every time the kids are hungry-easy.  Try finding interesting ways to incorporate veggies such as using hummus for dipping or allowing the kids to make faces with them on their plates.

Eggs are a close second on the staple list.  We go through at least 15 eggs daily between the 5 of us.  As long as you are eating the entire egg (white and yoke), and the chickens were allowed to roam free, you can eat this perfect protein without any worry or guilt.  Talk to your local farmers for great deals on free range eggs.

Wild caught sardines and tuna.  Another almost daily eaten food at our house.  Try to get the smaller tuna such as Tongol instead of Albacore as the larger the fish the more mercury it can hold.  The benefits of eating these deep sea fish far out weigh any issues with mercury though.  Did you know that if you ate tuna all day long you would actually pull in around 4 micrograms of mercury and that just chewing or drinking hot liquid with dental amalgams in your mouth will release around 100 micrograms?  Yikes.  For more info on amalgams, check out  Save money on sardines/tuna by ordering a case from your local health food store.

Other things on our daily list would include olives, unsweetened organic dried coconut chips and coconut oil, organic butter (raw is best if you can get it from a farm) pickles (look for the ones without sugar), whey protein (we use one from Standard Process as it is not heated and doesn't include other chemicals or synthetic nutrients), and a greens powder (we use Dynamic Greens).  We also love sparkling water.  If you get get a type that comes from naturally occurring co2, it is full of minerals and is so refreshing with a lemon or lime.  Sometimes the kids will use a root beer, or lemonade flavored liquid stevia in their sparkling water for a 'soda' without the sugar.  Try to buy the kind in glass instead of plastic or aluminum.  Some combination of kombucha, kimchee, sauerkraut, and/or Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar are ingested throughout the day as well to keep digestion optimal.

Each year we purchase a portion of an organic grass fed cow, and an entire grass fed pig.  Half of the pig gets mixed with my husbands deer (if he gets one! He did this year-yay!).  Overall quite a bit of money is saved by buying these larger animals rather than purchasing different cuts throughout the year.  We also eat grouse from our land, and some duck (although I have to say duck is not my fave).  Of course we do organic chicken, salmon, and other white fish.  When cooking meats, always remember, the slower, the better to preserve the nutrients and keep the proteins in tact (definitely no microwave!).  I love to throw dinner in the crock pot in the morning and have it ready that evening after cooking on low all day.  Simple and delicious.

So those are the basic staples.  Here is our list of occasionals.

Cereal-this is a treat at our house, but if the kids have it, it is a quinoa, oats, millet, rice, or sprouted grain type without any sugar on the ingredients.  We will always add some protein powder to it as well and use unsweetened coconut or almond milk, or raw grass fed cows milk.  Cheese, again raw is best but otherwise something that is imported and is not dyed-must be white.  Legumes-beans and lentils, properly soaked and rinsed to release enzymes and clear any free-radicals.  Fruit-so many pesticides with fruit, so do your best to get organic.  Granny Smith apples are usually the lowest in sugar.  Homemade bread such as sourdough rye or spelt.  Crackers such as nut, rice, or rye crisps.  Raw almond butter.  If we are entertaining, we will use sulfite free organic wines (the darker red, the healthier), possibly a gluten free beer (not from US as those almost always contain fluoride), and/or water processed decaf coffee.

Find your local co-op for purchasing certain organic items.  You'll save quite a bit of money that way!Also, the Weston A. Price Foundation puts out an excellent Shopping Guide each year.  They include every category of food you can think of and divide them up into BEST, GOOD and AVOID.  They even give you information on where to purchase/order the different foods.   We use this guide all the time.  You can find it at

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