Alternative Options

Many times there is a feeling of hopelessness when you or your family member has a health condition.  In some cases we become conditioned to think that drugs and surgery are the only options.  The truth is there are other options.  

There are MANY ways to health and today I’d like to bring to light a few of my personal favorite Alternative approaches.  Before I do so, it is very important to work with your primary care physician (Medical Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, etc.) as you venture into these therapies.  In most cases, your physician will be more than happy to help you find the right one to augment your total care plan.

A problem:  A definitive review and close reading of medical peer-review journals, and government health statistics shows that American medicine is actually the leading cause of death in our country, ranking above heart disease and cancer.  This is by no means the fault of the doctors, nurses, or any other health care practitioners involved.  It’s actually the modern health care system itself that is to blame for allowing, and even promoting all too many procedures and medications.  Our country actually ranks #1 for health care spending among the industrialized nations of the world (meaning we spend the most on health care), but we rank DEAD last as far as actual health of our people!  So we are spending more than 1/5 of every dollar on health care, and that buys us the sickest country?  These statistics are not my own.  Please refer to sources such as The Journal of American Medical Association, vol. 284, no.4. According to the NIA's report back in 2001, over 784,000 people die annually due to medical mistakes. Comparatively, the 2001 annual death rate for heart disease was 699,697 and the annual death rate for cancer was 553,251.

In my opinion, the main problem is that we are trying to treat chronic health conditions by covering up the symptoms with drugs, or removing organs involved.  I’m not saying that medications and surgeries are not necessary in some cases; I just feel that we should focus more on what is CAUSING the chronic condition and then assist the body in a healing process from the inside out.  This very premise is what most Alternative options are based upon.

A solution:  Working in conjunction with your primary care physician, finding the right Alternative option can be a fairly easy process.  Here I have listed my personal favorites, but there are many more options out there that may fit your needs.  It is YOUR body and YOUR health, so take on a little responsibility and find what is right for you.

Massage Therapy-a wonderful way to not only keep your muscles in a more relaxed state, but also to keep the lymph and oxygen from becoming stagnant and toxifying your cells.

Breathwork- conscious changes in breathing to help you release old emotions while allowing joyful emotions back in.  Don’t forget how important your emotional health is.

Homeopathy and Herbology-these practitioners will typically make a remedy specific to your body’s needs.

Yoga-flowing body movement for relaxation, meditation, and a great workout all at the same time.

Acupuncture-based on your body’s energy meridians, an Acupuncturist will help you add energy back into the body where it is needed or help you release any energy that is negative to your system.

Chiropractic-a wellness based Chiropractor will work to align your spine to take the pressure off the nervous system (the command center of the body), thus allowing your body to heal due to unimpeded nerve flow.

Cranio-Sacral Therapy-working with the body to help release residual effects of trauma while helping to take the stress off the nervous system.

Nutritional Therapies-my favorite is Nutrition Response Testing.  This practitioner will test your body specifically for any deficiencies or toxicities, then recommend a specific dietary and supplemental protocol for your individual system.

Again, there are many options out there.  The point is not to feel like the traditional medical route is the only option for you.  You do need to remember, however, that utilizing an alternative therapy is not the same as a traditional medical one.  Results happen over time as your body heals.  If it took you 10 years to get into your current health status, don’t be surprised if it takes you a year or two to get things back on track.  Remember, by giving your body the right tools to heal itself, you are enabling your true health potential.

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