Staying fit over the holidays

The holidays are here at last, and with all the hustle and bustle comes many parties and much traveling for most families. To many, this is an excuse to overindulge, eat bad and for- get about exercise. But just think of how much less work you would have to do once that New Year’s resolution came along if you didn’t completely let yourself go crazy! Here are my favorite holiday fit tips:

1. Plan ahead. Before you go to the party or holiday feast, decide how much you will be eating or drinking, and then stick to it. It’s better to tell yourself frankly, "tonight I will have two cookies and a small piece of chocolate," than to show up at the get-together, start eat- ing and drinking, and completely lose track of everything you’ve ingested until the next morning, when the guilt sets in.

2. Pack snacks. When traveling, it’s far too easy to settle for the convenience of "fast" and highly-processed foods. Being in a vehicle, or on a plane, you are already sedentary. Add some junk food, and you’re sure to be feeling less than energetic. Take a few extra minutes to pack some raw veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds, and maybe some string cheese or jerky. Or get together as a family and make a traditional traveling trail mix.

3. Move. Stretch, do push-ups or sit-ups or go for a walk or run. Try to at least break a sweat every day. This way, you’ll at least be able to maintain your current level of fitness instead of sliding backwards.

4. De-stress. For some reason, the holidays tend to be a stressful time for many people. Find ways to unwind and relax. Remember, increased stress causes an increase in the hormone Cortisol. This hormone accumulates in your fat cells, especially around the mid-section.

5. Rest. Be sure to get enough sleep and relaxation time. This is very important for keeping your immune system in tip-top shape. You do not want to risk a lowered immune system when traveling, or when exposed to new "germs".

More important than any of these tips, however, is to remember to enjoy your time and your family. We all know how fast each year goes by. To me, the most important part of the holidays is to live in the moment. Truly take time to cherish the memories you are making with your loved ones. ENJOY!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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