Weight Loss Made Easy?

So let’s see, which diet is your current favorite? Low carbs, low fat, high protein, prepackaged, raw, cabbage soup…the list goes on forever. Why isn’t there just one good weight loss program that works for everyone? Because a diet is something that you "go on", which means you will surely "go off" it one day. So even if you do lose weight, what happens 85-90 percent of the time? You gain it all back, but here’s the kicker – you end up weighing more than you did before you started! How frustrating! It is time for us to completely change our brain chemistry as far as weight loss is concerned.

First, begin to think differently about food. Concentrate on food replacement, not elimination. When you focus on all of the things you can’t eat, that is all you will be thinking about until you finally give in. Start to focus on the huge variety of foods you can eat. Keep food exciting by varying your choices and trying new and different foods. This will actually exercise and revitalize your taste buds.

Stay off your scale! Patients on my weight loss program are not allowed to get on their scale. You have to remember that pounds are not always the first to go, especially if you are exercising at the same time (which you should be). When you are losing fat while gaining muscle, sometimes the scale doesn’t move much right away. Body fat testing and Body Mass Index are much more important. Secondly, when you get on the scale in the morning and see that you either didn’t lose or maybe gained a pound, your whole day is set up for failure. Once again, a brain chemistry issue.

Limit yourself to one time every two weeks. Instead of focusing on your pounds, focus on your increased energy, your more restful sleep, changes in the way your clothes are fitting, and your improved attitude toward continuing your lifestyle modifications. This is the key to continued success and helps to eliminate rebound weight gain.

Make sure you have time in your life for yourself! Think about your life for a second…are you spending any time (even 20 minutes) doing something that you want to do for you? If you don’t have this time to focus on yourself and emotionally/spiritually recharge, you are risking adrenal fatigue.

The adrenal gland is a small endocrine gland that sits directly on top of the kidneys. If your system is constantly in "fight or flight," or stress mode, your adrenal glands will pump out too much of the stress hormone Cortisol. Cortisol ends up being stored in the fat cells, usually around the mid-section, thighs and backside.

So we must remember, there are three sides to the perfect health triangle: Chemical (anything you put into or onto your body), Physical (your structure/alignment, and fitness), and Emotional or Spiritual. That means if you are eating right and exercising and not losing weight, your Emotional/Spiritual issues must be addressed in order to progress. Finding time for just you is step one.

This is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, as far as weight loss is concerned, but if you are trying to lose, or even maintain, in my opinion, you won’t do well without these tips.

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