The value of coconut oil

When contemplating a topic for this article, I always consider what I have the most questions on through- out the week prior. For some reason this last few weeks have been full of confusion about coconut oil.

Because of it’s high saturated fat content, this oil was mistakenly thought to be bad for us. Coconut oil has been used throughout Asia and the Pacific for thousands of years as both a food supplement and a medicine. Indian Ayurvedic medicine also holds this oil and it’s properties in high regard. After much research, it is now known to contain a unique form of saturated fat that actually helps prevent heart disease, stroke, and hardening of the arteries.

We must understand that the saturated fat in this oil is quite unlike the fat found in meat, vegetable oils, etc. The fat in coconut oil has been found to be identical to a group of fats found in human breast milk. These "wonder fats" have been shown to improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, and protect against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. They can even help you pull metals such as mercury from your body.

Furthermore, the fats derived from coconut oil are now routinely used in hospital IV formulations and commercial baby formulas, and even put in certain sports drinks to enhance athletic performance and boost energy and endurance.

Here are a few of the wonderful things coconut oil can do:

1. Reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and related illnesses.

2. Reduce the risk of cancer and other degenerative conditions.

3. Help to prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal (such as yeast) infections.

4. Support good immune function.

5. Help prevent osteoporosis.

6. Help to control diabetes.

7. Promote weight loss.

8. Support healthy metabolic function.

9. Boost energy.

10. Improve digestion and nutrient absorption.

11. It has a long shelf life.

12. In my opinion, it is the healthiest oil to cook with due to it’s heat resistant properties.

13. It keeps your skin soft and prevents wrinkles and blemishes when applied directly to the skin.

Remember though, there is a catch. All of coconut oil’s great properties are only useful when the oil is virgin and organic. If this oil is in any way processed, all bets are off. Once it is refined, it becomes just as bad as a trans fat; contributing to an increased blood cholesterol, blood clot formation, heart disease and weight problems. So, when used in the right form, in my opinion, coconut oil is one of nature’s most amazing health products for using inside and outside your body.

(For references on this article, please consult the book "Coconut Cures" by Bruce Fife, ND.)

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