Keeping holiday pounds at bay

For many Americans, overindulging during the holidays is all part of the tradition – in my opinion, a pretty ridiculous tradition due to the fact that there are so many people starving in our own country and throughout the rest of the world. But, I digress.

During this season, the average American gains about one pound. If you are already overweight, chances are you will gain double what the average person gains each holiday season. Research shows that those holiday pounds have a tendency to stick around as well. So 10 years later, you’re 10 (or 20) pounds heavier!

The question is, how do we avoid putting on the holiday weight in the first place? Well, we have already made it through Thanksgiving festivities; so for starters, we may need to do a "mini-detox" to rid ourselves of any Turkey Day overindulgences. The purpose of a detox diet is to neutralize and eliminate any compound in the body that has built up too quickly and can be toxic. Detoxification is a natural process occurring on a continual basis in the body, but because of the modern diet, the enormous number of chemicals we ingest daily and the increase in chronic degenerative diseases, I believe that regular detox is necessary.

A "mini-detox" after an acute overindulgence will re-set your body’s metabolism, allow you to drop a few pounds, and leave you feeling energized. I have researched many different types of detoxification, and have collaborated what I think is the perfect after holiday pound dropper. The mini-detox is safe enough to be used from now until New Year’s festivities are done, or just as a five day elimination. Your choice.

The Plan:

1. There are a few things that you should try very hard to keep out of your diet while on the mini-detox, in order to ensure it’s effectiveness. These things include breads, pastas, crackers, cakes, cookies, candies and ice-cream. The more you say no to these foods, the better and more efficient your detox and your body will work.

2. First thing in the morning, make a cup of hot lemon water (just water and ½ squeezed organic lemon). Refrain from microwaving your water, as this denatures the molecules. Instead, use a little tea kettle on the stove (filtered water is best). Drink at least 8 oz. of the lemon tea ½ hour before eating breakfast.

3. Right before your breakfast, grind 1 to 2 Tbs. of fl ax seed, and mix with about 1 cup of organic unsweetened cranberry juice. It is very important to grind the fl ax just before use so the oils are not rancid. A coffee grinder will work just fine. Drink this before eating. Drink this same concoction just before your dinner as well.

4. Before bed, make a new batch of the lemon tea and drink.

5. With lunch and dinner, take one Tbs. of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar and one tsp. of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil (for resources on why coconut oil, refer to my Coconut Oil article on

6. Throughout your detox, make sure you are getting plenty of protein and leafy green vegetables. And for maximum effect, eliminate dairy, grains and sugars.

7. To enhance your detox even more, drink green teas and take wheat grass powder or capsules throughout.

A few words of caution: you should refrain from this mini-detox (or any other detox for that matter) if you are pregnant, nursing or on several medications. In these special situations, you may be able to tailor your detox if you are under the care of a natural health practitioner or medical doctor. Enjoy your fat flush!

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