The Need For Sweetness

We have discussed sugar in the past, and how detrimental it can be to almost all aspects of health. So the question remains…is there anything sweet we can safely eat or drink?

Actually, the answer is yes. Today we will discuss these alternatives and their “sweet” benefits. Before we get to that, however, let’s re-cap what we need to try to avoid:

1. Refined sugars (white, brown, powdered, etc.): causing the rapid increase in blood glucose, which in turn causes the pancreas to work too hard, leading to inflammation/pain and several diseases.

2. Artificial sugars (Aspartame, Sucralose, NutraSweet/Equal/Splendid): causing toxic build-up in the brain and nerve tissue, leading to nervous system disorders.

3. Chemically altered sugars (high fructose corn syrup): causing digestive trouble and immediate fat storage (the infamous “tire around the waist” effect).

Before you completely give up on having a sweet treat every so often, consider these alternative sweeteners which can actually be good for you! Using these naturally-occurring sweeteners can support your pancreas, boost immunity, build and tone muscle and even help you to lose weight.

1. Rice syrup and barley malt: These sugars are far less refined and do not contain any synthetic chemicals. Be careful, though; they are still a high-glycemic food, which means they still affect your pancreas. Use them in moderation.

2. Pure organic maple syrup: Because of its high amounts of trace minerals like manganese and zinc, this can be a great sugar substitute. These minerals are help- ful in keeping cholesterol in check and even support cardiovascular health. Try for the C grade (the very dark-  est), in order to get the highest amount of antioxidants and minerals. Also, please understand this is NOT the syrup you get at a restaurant–look for it at most health food stores.

3. Wolfberries:  These are berries containing polysaccharides (complex sugars), clinically shown to break down certain tumors, improve eyesight, strengthen the pancreas and liver and fight free radicals. And it gets better…wolfberry polysaccharides also improve weight loss, boost metabolism and help with those sugar cravings! You may be able to find the actual polysaccharides in supplement form–the berries themselves are very hard to come by.

4. Raw unpasteurized honey: Although a high glycemic sweetener, it is a much better alternative to refined sugar. It is easier to digest, can help to kill bacteria, soothe sore throats and digestive issues and is even shown to decrease certain allergies. It is full of powerful antioxidants, but still high in calories, so use sparingly.

5. Agave: Coming all the way from South American cacti, this is a sweetener used in making tequila. It is very sweet, and when cooking, you will use much less than honey or refined sugars. It is a LOW glycemic food, having almost no effect on blood sugar, so it is wonderful for anyone with diabetic issues.

6. Stevia: This is probably my favorite. From sweetening your coffee/tea to your morning oatmeal, this is ideal because it has zero calories and zero effect on blood sugar. It is an herb (stevia rebaudiana) that grows in South America. To me, it is the perfect sweetener for the human body. It supports pancreatic function, helps with enzyme availability and is even shown to reduce cavities. You can buy stevia at health food stores in whole leaf, liquid or powder form. Beware…it is VERY sweet.  If you bake, you only need ¼ to 1/32 the amount of sugar called for in the recipe.

Don’t give up on it after just one try. Some forms have a slightly bitter aftertaste, but there are several brands and types to experiment with. You are sure to find one you and your family can enjoy and benefit from.  There is no doubt that making these sugar changes in your diet will make you and your family look and feel better than you do now. Staying away from refined, chemically altered and artificial sugars is an easy way to make a quick change in your health status!

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