Enzymes and digestion

Whether it’s loose stools/diarrhea, constipation, bloating/gas, acid reflux/ heart burn, or just a sour tummy, these are all your body’s warning signals that there is something major going on within the body.

Poor digestion is the single most important symptom to pay attention to in any situation. Understand this – if your digestion is not working as it is supposed to, any nutrients you are putting into your body are not properly absorbed. Unabsorbed nutrients cannot feed the cells the building blocks they need to thrive (or even survive for that matter). For this reason, in order to heal a body from the inside out, the gastrointestinal system is the very first system to regulate. Skipping this step will prove detrimental to proper healing.

Because of the constant intake of polluted air, water, food, pharmaceuticals, etc., the average American body is severely lacking proper enzymes. Enzymes are the body’s little heroes, constantly controlling every function of every cell. From fighting off colds and fl u to healing the body after a sports injury or surgery, I have found that proper enzymatic function is second to none in maintaining proper wellness and increasing total health.

Signs and symptoms that your enzyme function is lack- ing include: fatigue, undigested food in the stool, getting sick often, allergies, gas/bloating, heart burn, IBS, osteoporosis (not able to draw minerals from food), cravings (especially sugar and chocolate), headaches, fluctuating blood sugar levels, PMS, yeast issues, degenerative diseases, and so on. Proper enzyme use will not only bring your body closer to perfect health, but it will help acutely as well when your body gives you that first little sign that you are getting sick.

Whether it’s a tickle in the back of your throat, or a little pressure in your sinuses, immediately start an enzyme protocol. My favorite protocol in this case is to take two to three Zypan with a large glass of water right away and then two every 3 hours until bedtime. Repeat the next day if you still feel anything. Zypan, by Standard Process, is the most all-inclusive and most affordable enzyme I can find. It is available through your natural health care providers (including chiropractors, nutritionists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, etc; they cannot be sold over the counter at this time). Enzymes are also very safe for children in the right doses. The point is, make sure you find the ones that work best for you, and use them daily as a part of your wellness routine.

Here are a few other very essential ways to enhance your digestion. First, it is extremely important to bring your body into a parasympathetic state while eating. The para- sympathetic half of the nervous system is for resting and digesting. The sympathetic half is "fight or flight". Typical Americans stay in the "fight or flight" stage while eating, as they are always in a hurry and always multitasking.

If you sit down, take a deep breath and relax before you eat, you will be in the proper digestive state. Secondly, try not to eat when you are stressed or thinking about some- thing stressful. Studies show that even if your digestion is adequate, eating when stressed will cause all of your nutrients to be stored as toxins. And lastly, remember, digestion starts in your mouth. One of the easiest and most essential things you can do to aid in your digestive processes is to chew your food, thoroughly! By adding some enzymes, eating in the parasympathetic state and chewing your food, you will undoubtedly notice amazing changes in not only your digestion, but your overall health.

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