New year, new you

Well, here we are again, another year gone. I am realizing now that the more years you spend on this earth, the faster each year goes by.

I’d like you to seriously look back at 2008, the good, the bad, all of the memories that are shaping your life day by day. Now I want you to truly think about your state of health…your family’s health…your friends’. Now think about the people you know that you always thought were healthy, yet ended up with a heart attack or cancer. Have you ever thought to yourself, "why bother", if your fate is in the hands of genetics anyway? I’d like you to under- stand something very important. Your health outcome is in your hands!

In the study of Epi-genetics, scientists now understand that having a certain "gene" does not mean you will manifest a specific disorder or disease. The gene must be turned on. So the question is how does the gene get turned on? An external factor must always cause the gene to become active. These external factors have to do with exercise or lack-there-of, proper nutrition, emotional factors, and environmental factors such as chemicals. Let’s use proper nutrition for our example today.

I want you to think about a very important organ, your heart. Your entire circulatory system is controlled by your heart’s output. Proper nutrition is what feeds your heart, so that the circulatory system will run and your body functions properly. If you feed your body poor nutrition, improper circulation occurs and the body malfunctions. This leads to disease which may eventually lead to a heart attack, and in 60 percent of cases, a heart attack is the very first sign of disease. This heart attack is a symptom. This symptom leads to crisis care, which means surgery and/or medications to control the symptom.

What you must understand is that you did not just wake up one day and have a heart attack for no reason. This disease process has been going on in your body for a very long time without you even knowing it. For ex- ample, have you ever had a headache? If so, what did you do to get rid of it? Most people say they would take an aspirin or Tylenol. Taking a medication will cover up that symptom. Your symptom is gone, but did you stop the disease process? Did you control the body’s malfunction? No. This goes all the way back to proper nutrition. Again, without giving your body what it needs to thrive and function, malfunction occurs and the disease process starts.

The point is, it’s not enough to start a new diet or exercise program for the New Year; skinny does not equal healthy (but keep in mind healthy does equal a trim, fit body). We need to start feeding our body proper nutrition and getting appropriate exercise in order to stop malfunction and the disease process so that we do not have to spend years heavily medicated and needing to depend on someone to take care of us. Please don’t wait. Our country is the sickest it has ever been, and adding more medications is not the answer.

My true purpose in life is to help you find the right path toward perfect health so that you can spread that health to your loved ones. All it takes is a little spark to start a huge raging fire, right? Please help me to get this fire going in your community. Whatever your next step is, take it!

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