Setting effective goals

I have something very important to explain to you today, so please listen up. Whether you are someone who sets goals, but doesn’t seem to attain them, or someone who doesn’t set goals at all, this article is for you!

Most of us realize that setting a goal is one of the first steps in forming our lives into what we desire them to be. The mere act of thinking about what it is you need or want in life starts the molecules in motion for actions toward attaining that goal. Now that was just the thought.

Taking the next step and writing your goal or goals down is even more concrete for your brain to subconsciously get things in motion (and remember losing weight is not a goal, being a size 4 or losing 35 pounds is).

Actually looking at those goals on a daily basis (like putting them on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror), is step three. Just these three easy steps will honestly take your life to a new level-pretty easy stuff, right? But some of you have done this, and are still not seeing the results you would like. I’m here to tell you, there’s a reason for that.

Let’s take this weight loss goal for example. Say my name is Katie and I want to lose weight. Step 1: I made a conscious thought in my brain that I want to lose 35 pounds. Step 2: I wrote my goal down on a piece of paper. Step 3: I stuck this piece of paper on the inside of my toothbrush drawer. Six months have gone by…I’m still 35 pounds over my goal weight! What’s the deal?

The problem with this goal is that the brain does not consciously or sub-consciously understand the why be- hind the goal. This is very important. In order for you to attain your goals you must address the why. Sit down and concentrate on why you would like to be 35 pounds lighter. What is the feeling you want to achieve or eliminate by reaching this goal? It may go something like this: I want to go shopping and be able to look at myself in the mirror and say wow, I look good! And as a result, I will feel more confident about myself; my girlfriends will complement me and tell me I really accomplished something. My husband will tell me I am attractive. I will feel secure as opposed to insecure when I go out. I will feel a sense of satisfaction when I know I have worked hard and I can see the great results.

Do you understand what I am saying? Losing 35 pounds is a target, not a motivation! As human beings, we truly need motivation in order to make things happen for ourselves.

Whether yours is a weight loss goal, a career goal, a family goal or whatever, if you consciously tap into the motivation for that goal and write that down along with the actual goal, your life will dramatically change! Go ahead, try it. I would love to hear about your results, as would others. You reaching your goals will motivate others to reach theirs. Feel free to report on the health blog at One more thing – the more you can eliminate negative thoughts from your brain, the faster you will attain these goals. Truly monitor your thoughts and feelings, keep things positive and expedite your progress!

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