Top 15 easiest ways to live a healthier life

The health triangle is made up of three sides, consisting of your physical, emotional and chemical aspects of health. Improvement in any one of the three sides increases your overall health. We will be touching partially on each of the three sides today in order to help you continue your gradient toward better health. Remember, health is a journey, not a destination.

1. Start each day by being thankful for your life and acknowledging to yourself what a wonderful person you are.

2. Stop watching useless and/or stressful TV. You don’t eat garbage, so why allow it into your mind. Instead learn something new. Think of your brain as a muscle…the more active you keep it, the less atrophy will occur. Keeping your mind challenged with new ideas and concepts is the best way to enhance personal productivity.

3. Drink only purified water.

4. Make a point of helping someone besides yourself each day.

5. Eat only sprouted grains. Other preparation methods, such as flours, leave you with enzyme inhibitors that cause you to gain weight and hold on to toxins.

6. Break a sweat every day. Even if you don’t have time for a full blown workout, just breaking a sweat will help you eliminate toxins and enhance blood flow.

7. Keep your intestines cleansed and purified. intestinal cleansing will not only detoxify your body, but will also ensure there are no stoppages in the surrounding organs as well. It is not just important, it is vital to keep your body’s flows moving efficiently.

8. Eat certified organic foods whenever possible, especially when it comes to meats. Commercial meats are loaded with hormones, antibiotics and steroids. Commercial vegetables and fruits are saturated with pesticides, and due to modern-day fertilizing and growing practices, they have very little nutrition left in them by the time we eat them. A good way to do this is to find a local organic farmer that you can buy foods from directly.

9. Wear cotton, silk, hemp and other all natural fibers. Synthetic clothing can prevent your skin from breathing properly and cause you to hold in toxins.

10. Get involved in a local interest group. Connecting with others who have similar interests is a great way to enhance your well-being.

11. Get rid of extra junk you have accumulated over the years. Cleansing your external environment is just as important as cleansing your internal environment.

12. Only cook your food in stainless steel or glass…never aluminum! Aluminum is very toxic and is easily absorbed into food.

13. Start juicing. Juicing is an excellent tool to aid in detoxing and for putting concentrated whole food nutrition into your body.

14. Laugh and love as often as possible.

15. Once again, start small…small changes over time yield big results. Enjoy your journey!

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