Examining the superfoods

We all know that eating fruits and vegetables improves health, but is all produce created equal? Let’s discuss the best of the best, the superfoods.

With superior disease fighting capabilities, immune system boosters, fatigue fighters and much more, these superfoods are an essential part to your daily intake. Almost every superfood falls into the plant category. The two exceptions are deep sea fish with the healthy omega- 3 oils that eliminate inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease and probiotics, those beneficial bacteria that increase immunity and maintain health in the digestive tract.

1. Cruciferous Vegetables - This category contains brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, etc. Not only are these foods rich in vitamin C, folic acid, calcium and fiber, but broccoli for example contains a compound called sulphuraphane. This compound kills H. Pylori (a bacteria that causes ulcers), and as shown by research done at Johns Hopkins University, is a powerful anticancer compound. This same research also showed a possible link between H. Pylori bacterium and Alzheimer’s and heart disease. So now broccoli is beginning to look more like a type of medicine (with NO side effects!).

2. Sprouts - You have heard me talk about sprouted grains or grasses before; you need to hear it again! Sprouted seeds have an average of 500 percent more nutrients/vitamins in them than the full grown plant. They are full of stored energy for their life of production. Remember, wheat grass and barley grass sprouts contain over five times more iron than spinach, 13 times more vitamin A than carrots, and 55 times more vitamin C than apples! And remember, these grasses are gluten free (the gluten comes into play once the plant is mature).

3. Antioxidants - The superfoods with the highest quality antioxidants include pomegranate (protect against clogging arteries and diabetes), mangosteen (free radical elimination), gogi berries (anti-aging), and acai berries. My latest favorite is the acai berry. This dark purple berry from Brazilian rainforests is probably the world’s richest source of the antioxidant anthocyanin. Bursting with anti-cancer properties, inflammatory busters, sex drive increasers and free-radical eliminators (especially in the brain), acai is an every day addition to your diet. I find the best and most efficient way to get these powerful antioxidants into your day is mixed into a protein shake for breakfast. This way you’ll have it working through your cells all day.

4. Milk Thistle - This is a plant with many qualities. It has now been shown to aid in the generation of nerve tissue as well as keep nerve cells alive longer. The reason for this actually comes from its detoxification properties. Milk Thistle helps to neutralize toxins being pushed through the liver. As far as your body is concerned, your liver is the most important organ for survival. Did you know that if you were submerged in ice cold water, your liver would be the last organ to shut down? That’s how important the liver’s job is. Speaking of the liver, turmeric (an Indian spice) also protects the liver. Its main compound is curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties equal to cortisone and prevents blood clotting. My favorite way to get these compounds is by drinking a detox tea.

5. Seaweed - Sea vegetables like dulse and dunaliella salina are very rich with trace minerals. Seaweed contains all the minerals found in human blood as well as other bioactive compounds that lower cholesterol, and reduce blood pressure.

6. Nuts/Seeds - Full of powerful good fats and qualities that help you combat chemical and environmental toxins; RAW (not roasted, not salted) nuts and seeds are a must for cellular health.

Here’s the point: eating superfoods every day is the best health insurance you can buy to prevent disease and stay young forever! Get your superfoods every day and you can be sure your body will be stronger, healthier, and more efficient. If you have questions on how or in what form to get these superfoods, send me a quick email, I’m all about revitalizing the health of our community!

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