The Nose Knows

Did you know that the business of Full-Sensory Branding (the practice of scent marketing), using specially-formulated fragrances to make you buy unrelated products and services, has more than quadrupled in the last year? That’s right; certain smells are linked to certain emotions or feelings that actually compel you to buy. That is how powerful your sense of smell is.

Before we get into some good smells, we must discuss some of the dangers of chemically scented products. Scented candles, for example, often release lead, mercury and other toxins into the air. In large amounts over time, these emissions have been shown to harm your nervous system, heart and circulatory system. To be safe, before buying, check to be sure the core is not made of metal, and look for candles made without additives (bees wax candles are great).

Another common household item, air fresheners, are also on my "buyer beware" list. They usually contain a chemical called 1, 4 dichlorobenzene, which is linked to lung damage. This chemical is found in the blood of almost every American citizen. If the amount of the chemical is high, you are more likely to experience diminished lung function. (Remember, diminished lung function is also a precursor to heart disease, stroke and lung cancer.) This is especially serious if you have an altered immune system, asthma or other lung issues. Keep reading…there is a great alternative to these unnatural smells.

And now, the good news! We will be discussing five different essential oils that not only trigger certain emotions, but also have antibacterial properties; they can stimulate and relax and even promote healing. The most common ways to use these essential oils include aromatherapy, massaging into the skin, burning them, using them in a compress and my personal favorite…adding them to your bath water.

1. Cedarwood. This oil has a slightly sharp, woody and sweet scent. Its uses include help with anxiety, skin issues, arthritis, bronchitis/cough, stress, hair loss, and it can be used as a natural insect repellant.

2. Frankincense. With its woody, spicy and slightly fruity smell, it is useful for insecurity, grief, stimulation of the immune system, depression, allergies, headaches, anxiety, asthma, scars, stress and stretch marks.

3. Peppermint. One of my favorites with its clean, minty-fresh scent. It’s very useful for sinus issues, asthma, digestive issues, nausea, mental fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

4. Lavender. This oil has a wonderful, floral-fresh scent, and is used for depression, trouble sleeping (a few drops on your pillow will do the trick), stress, oily skin, bruises, earaches, high blood pressure, chicken pox and flatulence.

5. Sandalwood. This floral, rich, sweet and woody oil is used for low self-esteem, female reproductive and endocrine issues, laryngitis, sensitive skin and urinary tract infections.

Remember to use these oils with caution, especially during pregnancy, as their effects are very significant. Also, make absolutely sure that your oils are 100 percent pure…many times companies will try to save money by enhancing them with artificial scents and chemicals.

There are hundreds of essential oils to try, each with its own unique scent and therapeutic benefits. You can even mix and match to make up your own unique essential oil experience. Have fun, and remember to consult someone knowledgeable in aromatherapy if you have questions or concerns.

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