
6320 St Augustine Rd #1, Jacksonville, FL 32217

5233 Ricker Rd #102 Jacksonville, FL 32210

2907 Spring Glen Rd Jacksonville, FL 32207

Now Open:
1543 Kingsley Ave #9 Orange Park, FL 32073

3000 Dunn Ave #13 Jacksonville, FL 32218

Slip and Fall Accident Injury

Our Jacksonville Chiropractor Can Help You Get Back On Your Feet after a Slip and Fall

Seeking treatment after a slip or fall is always a wise idea, especially if the incident happens on the job. If an injury occurs, the earlier you seek and receive care the better your chances are of avoiding any long-term complications. Plus, many injuries following traumatic incidents don't reveal any signs or symptoms until days or even weeks later and ignoring a problem (or being ignorant to its very existence) can end up costing you a lot in time, money, energy, and peace of mind. 

At Amazing Spine Care, our Jacksonville chiropractic staff, lead by trilingual clinician Dr. Alan Khiger, want to educate folks on fall prevention and raise awareness about just how beneficial chiropractic care can be if an unavoidable stumble occurs.

woman walking on snow covered steps about to suffer a slip and fall accident

Some Helpful Tips for Avoiding Slips & Falls

Falls cost the US healthcare system billions of dollars every year in direct and indirect costs. Here are some useful tips for minimizing your risk of falling wherever life may take you:

  • Wear supportive and sturdy shoes. 
  • Stay active, lean, and well hydrated. 
  • If walking on a slippery surface, take shorter steps and place your entire foot down at once, instead of the usual "heel-toe" progression; this increases surface area on contact. 
  • Always hold railings on stairs. 
  • Take any medications as prescribed and talk to your doctor about possible side effects.
  • When carrying objects, stay within your own safe limits and use any tools or equipment available to you. 

If you do fall, if at all possible tuck your chin, brace yourself with your entire forearms, and keep your arms close to you. Common falling injuries (whiplash, concussion, brachial plexus injuries, bone fractures, shoulder dislocations, muscle strains, etc.) can be minimized this way. 

What to Expect for Slip or Fall Injury Treatment

Even by taking every precaution possible, slip and fall accidents can happen to the best of us. Our Jacksonville chiropractor is here for you in those moments and able to provide a variety of customized and individualized treatments to facilitate healing, including but not limited to:

  • Chiropractic adjustments stimulate healing within the nervous system and realign spinal joints
  • Physical rehabilitative exercises can be prescribed to promote tissue healing, decreased swelling, and pain reduction
  • Diagnostic imaging can confirm or rule out specific diagnoses and help streamline care

Contact Our Jacksonville Chiropractor Today

Have you fallen and can't get back up to speed yet? Contact our chiropractor in Jacksonville for natural and non-invasive care by calling Amazing Spine Care at (904) 701-3916. As a new patient, your first consultation is FREE, so call today!




Office Hours

St. Augustine Rd and Ricker Rd Locations

Monday - Friday:

9:00 AM - 7:00 pm


9:00 AM - 3:00 pm



Spring Glen Rd Location

Monday - Thursday:

9:00 AM - 7:00 PM


9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Saturday, Sunday:


Orange Park location - Now Open

Monday - Friday:

9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Jacksonville location - Now Open

Monday - Friday:

9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Our Locations