Headaches from Auto Accident

If you’ve been involved in an auto accident, you might start noticing headaches, even if you didn’t have any symptoms immediately after the incident. When this happens, it can leave you confused and may cause you to wonder why the headaches have appeared and how you can find pain relief. The good news is we at Counselman & Wade Chiropractic in Topeka, KS, may be able to help you get the relief you are looking for. Read on for more information about the origin of these headaches and how chiropractic care may help you:


Where Did These Headaches Come from?

It’s not unusual to experience various types of aches and pains after an auto accident. The impact creates a great amount of force that the body has to sustain, potentially leading to issues like neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and more.

These symptoms may be the result of one or more of the following injuries.

  • Whiplash: Whiplash occurs when the head is whipped back and forth, which causes tiny tears in the neck’s soft tissues. Whiplash is one of the top reasons for headaches after a car accident.
  • Herniated discs: The force of an accident may cause a disc to tear and its filling to spill onto a nerve or muscle. This might create, back pain, neck pain, and more.
  • Misalignment: Like your discs, the impact can cause one or more bones in the neck or back to shift out of place. This creates undue pressure on the components of the neck and back, which might contribute to headaches.

These issues do not necessarily have to be located within the neck to cause headache pain. Even injuries and tension in the upper back may be to blame.

Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches

Visiting a chiropractor near you might be your first step towards pain relief. After assessing your musculoskeletal system to determine what injuries are present, a treatment plan will be customized to your needs.

In many headache cases, you can expect to receive a chiropractic adjustment as well as spinal decompression if we believe it is prudent. A chiropractic adjustment can help ensure that all of your bones are in their proper place, potentially relieving pain, inflammation, and more. Spinal decompression therapy gently stretches the spine, removing pressure from the discs, nerves, and muscles. You might also receive soft tissue techniques and therapeutic exercises to help enhance healing and recovery.

Get Spinal Decompression, Chiropractic Adjustment, and Back Pain Treatment from a Chiropractor Near You

Auto accidents take a toll on the body. If you are experiencing headaches and are looking for natural and non-invasive relief, our team at Counselman & Wade Chiropractic in Topeka, KS, is here to help. Call us at (785) 234-0521 for spinal decompression, chiropractic adjustment, and back pain treatment from a chiropractor near you.

Counselman & Wade Chiropractic


1408 SW Topeka Blvd,
Topeka, KS 66612

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3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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