Chiropractic Care

Reliable Chiropractic Care Services From Ultimate Health

Sports injuries, chronic conditions, and personal injuries are something most of us have dealt with at some time or another. Not only can these health problems cause severe pain, but these can also lead to further complications and even missed time from work. Some might resort to physical therapy, pain pills, and even surgery to help with the discomfort, but one solution that has proved to be very effective is chiropractic care. If you live in Towson, Bel Air, or the surrounding area, be sure to contact Ultimate Health for all of your chiropractic needs. 

chiropractic care

Our Services

Here at Ultimate Health, we do more than just manual adjustments. We are proud to carry a wide variety of chiropractic solutions from some of the leading chiropractors in the industry. Check out some of our services and techniques below:

Manual Adjustments 

Depending on where you have pain or discomfort, our chiropractor can manually add pressure to your spine. They might use quick jolts of pressure on your spine to help relieve tightness and pain.

Flexion Distraction (Manual Decompression)

This technique is used by utilizing a special table that distracts and flexes the spine in a gentle motion. The chiropractor will then use some manual techniques to resolve a herniated disc or bulge. This method works by creating a negative pressure that pushes the disc bulge back into the spine. 

Graston Technique

Graston Technique is a technique where stainless steel tools are used to ease tightness and pain in muscles. 

Active Release Techniques (ART)

Active Release Techniques (ART) occurs by the chiropractor creating tension on a tissue while taking the tissue through a range of motion. This method targets areas where the soft tissue has been injured. 

Drop Technique 

The drop technique consists of a chiropractor making adjustments to your spine while utilizing a special table. These tables have many different sections that can be moved up or down. 

Activator Technique 

This method is completed by using a handheld device, called the activator, that adds a gentle impulse force to the spine. This quick jolt of pressure helps to restore muscles and ease the pain. 


The Diversified Technique involves the manual adjustment of the vertebrae and extremity joints to restore proper function and reduce pain. This method consists of very fast and short thrusts to various parts of the back.

Come See Our Towson and Bel Air Chiropractors Today!

If you’re searching for the most trusted and experienced Towson and Bel Air chiropractors, then Ultimate Health is the place to call. While we specialize in the treatment of repetitive overuse injuries and sports injuries, we can help you find solutions for a wide variety of conditions.

To make an appointment, stop by our office at 1035 Emmorton Road, Bel Air, MD, 21014, or give us a call at (410) 569-5969.

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