Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Back pain is unfortunately one of the most common ailments that Americans complain of. It seems as though evoluon has not yet adapted to the demands we place on our backs, resulng in an increasing number of people searching for soluons to their pain—over 90,000 to be precise. If you find yourself in this situaon, stop searching! Our professionals at Winter Haven Wellness Center in Winter Haven can help.


Back Pain or Sciaca

One thing a chiropractor will want to determine is whether your experience is only lower back pain or a more serious condion called sciaca. Sciaca occurs when the sciac nerve gets pinched. This nerve extends from the hips into both legs and can cause shooting pain, numbness, or a burning sensation.

Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Regardless of the cause of your lower back pain, there are several ways to treat it. Our goal is not just to alleviate the pain; we want to address the source. Eliminang the reason for pain relief is the best-case scenario and the focus of all our treatments.

Here is a list of possible treatment opons you may receive as part of your chiropracc plan:

- Spinal Adjustment

- Massage Therapy

- Spinal Decompression Therapy

Spinal adjustments are beneficial for the enre musculoskeletal system, improving overall blood and oxygen flow. Aer this treatment alone, you'll feel improvement. Massage therapy targets muscles specifically. Many paents don't realize how much muscle memory holds onto stress and overuse. Even minimal chiropracc massage techniques can make a world of difference for a sufferer.

The last opon is also effecve for those suffering from sciaca. Bulging or herniated discs can apply pressure to the sciac nerve, causing pain. Decompression therapy uses mechanized tracon to provide relief, reducing pressure on the spine and promoting healing in the entire area.

Start a Healing Journey with a Chiropractor

Whether you suspect sciaca or experience lower back pain, it's me to get examined. There's no reason to live with chronic pain or discomfort. Our staff at Winter Haven Wellness Center is ready to create a plan for a healthy back. Give our office a call to set up an appointment at (863) 604-2357.

Seeking professional help for lower back pain or sciatica is essential for a healthier and pain-free life. At Winter Haven Wellness Center, our experienced chiropractor will thoroughly assess your condition and tailor a treatment plan to suit your needs. With regular spinal adjustments, massage therapy, and spinal decompression therapy, you can experience significant pain relief and improved overall well-being.


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10:00 am - 6:00 pm




10:00 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 2:00 pm


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